brett favre cock pic

Brett favre cock pic

She did Maxim shoots. Playboy shoots. Then, inMs.

October 7th, , pm. The photos showed up on the sports site Deadspin Thursday. Deadspin would not identify the source, but said that the voice mails were not from Sterger herself. When reporters asked Favre about the allegations, he declined to answer questions from reporters, saying that he was busy with the Jets. The Gang Green sideline reporter said that she declined the advances from the Jets quarterback because she did not date married men. Those have no relation to each other. Ever see a larger girl with small boobs?

Brett favre cock pic

We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic, and understand where our audiences come from. To learn more or opt-out, read our Cookie Policy. Brett Favre loves being the center of attention. This afternoon, he has been all of that and more. Only, it's not about his reaction to the Randy Moss acquisition, or his preparation for the Monday Night Football showdown in New Meadowlands Stadium it's about his penis. Deadspin finally released the exclusive voice mails and Myspace messages that a man, who is alleged to be Favre, reportedly sent to Jennifer Sterger. Deadspin compiled the information into the form of a video, with the messages leading into voicemails, which then concludes with one hell of a NSFW moment. The video also mentions how Favre allegedly first noticed Sterger when she was near the Jets ' tunnel during a game. I'm not going to post the video, but if you choose to view it, click here. Remember, this video is extremely Not Safe For Work, with explicit images. Cookie banner We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic, and understand where our audiences come from. By choosing I Accept , you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies.

Same here, but even then the face might be photoshopped. It was his dick.

By Sara Malm for MailOnline. The investigation into the Brett Favre sexting scandal was deliberately drawn out by the NFL, the former manager of ex-hostess Jenn Sterger has alleged. The former quarterback allegedly sent inappropriate messages and nude photographs to Miss Sterger, who was working as a New York Jets game-day hostess, in The video ended with several below-the belt photos - said to be of Favre - which were allegedly sent to Miss Sterger. Miss Sterger denied leaking the messages, and cooperated fully with the investigation by the NFL, which was not concluded until the end of December. The NFL claimed the investigation had been dragged out because of difficulties in setting up interviews with 'certain key individuals,' the complication of retrieving and reviewing electronic records.

She did Maxim shoots. Playboy shoots. Then, in , Ms. Sterger joined the Jets as an in-house sideline reporter. It was during that fateful time that her and Mr. Sort of. Last winter, close to the Super Bowl, Ms. We later had a phone conversation about who some of the more well-known dong-shot senders were. One person, she claimed, who was very into cell phone-donging her was none other than Brett Favre.

Brett favre cock pic

The NFL has launched an investigation into allegations that Minnesota Vikings quarterback Brett Favre sent inappropriate messages and photos to at least one woman who worked for the New York Jets when he played for the team in The scandal began when the sports blog Deadspin posted a video clip includes nudity including voicemails and nude, below-the-waist photos from someone former Jets game-day hostess Jenn Sterger reportedly believed was Favre, a married father and grandfather. Favre, who has declined to comment, has bounced back from controversy before, including reports of heavy drinking and Vicodin addiction and two temporary retirements. But if these charges prove true, will the scandal finally sink him? Listen to the voicemails in question. This could wreck the rest of Favre's career, and his legacy: Unless the investigation goes Favre's way, says Sean Leahy at USA Today , his legacy could be irreparably "tarnished. After 20 years in professional football, Favre's last impression, if he did this, will be as a guy who harassed Jenn Sterger at work. Escape your echo chamber. Get the facts behind the news, plus analysis from multiple perspectives. From our morning news briefing to a weekly Good News Newsletter, get the best of The Week delivered directly to your inbox.

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