carleton university grading system

Carleton university grading system

These deadlines are crucial; faculty must contact the Registrar in advance if they believe they will have difficulty meeting them. Faculty are required to enter carleton university grading system grades on the Hub, carleton university grading system. These forms are crucial for end of term Academic Review decisionsso please give them your thoughtful consideration. An approved EX1 or EX3 must be on file in order for work received after the last day of finals to be counted toward the final course grade.

This is a non-punitive notation; it does not reflect poorly on your coursework for that course. The Academic Standing Committee ASC regards the DRP as a valid elective option for a student in cases where a course cannot be completed for a variety of reasons as well as in cases where students have simply missed the registration deadline. Petitions to remove a DRP notation from the transcript are not usually granted. At the end of any course, you may request a written evaluation from your instructor. As long as the course has an enrollment of 20 or fewer students, your instructor must provide you with one.

Carleton university grading system

To receive a Bachelor of Arts degree from Carleton, a student must earn at least credits and a cumulative grade point average of C 2. A student is normally expected to satisfy the college-level graduation requirements published in the catalog in the academic year of their initial matriculation. A good liberal arts education requires not only rigor and depth, but also sufficient breadth to expose students to a wide range of subjects and methods of studying them. The college seeks to ensure that its students study one field in depth by requiring a major and an integrative exercise within the major. It encourages students to acquaint themselves with the major divisions of knowledge and modes of inquiry by requiring them to complete six credits with grades of S or C- or better from each of six curricular exploration areas. Students must also complete an Argument and Inquiry seminar and fulfill requirements in writing, quantitative reasoning, global citizenship international studies, intercultural domestic studies, and demonstrate proficiency in a second language , and complete four terms of physical education. Successful completion of all course and credit requirements requires grades of S or C- or better in each course. Finally, students must spend six academic terms in residence at Carleton, including their senior year last three academic terms , and earn at least credits enrolled at Carleton. All first-year non-transfer students must take an Argument and Inquiry AI seminar in their first term. Each fall term, the College offers over thirty AI seminars designed to introduce students to a liberal arts approach to learning and to develop the critical and creative skills they will need to thrive in academic work at Carleton. Offered in many different subject areas across the curriculum, AI courses share certain structural elements and a set of common goals. AI courses are small, discussion-based seminars, and carry the WR writing rich designation. Arts Practice ARP The act of imagining and creating art is an important way of understanding and knowing art and the creative process. At least six credits are required in courses in which students develop an appreciation of artistic creative practice through experience. Formal or Statistical Reasoning FSR The development of logical systems, formal models, abstract mathematical reasoning, and statistical reasoning has been foundational to intellectual development in many disciplines.

Graduate Calendar Toggle Graduate Calendar. The L is posted for the lab itself.

To obtain credit in a course, students must satisfy the course requirements as published in the course outline. The instructor is required to provide a formal statement to students called the Course Outline. The course outline must be made available to all Carleton students registered in that course, on or before the required date found in the schedule for The Academic Year, normally one week prior to the start of a term. Providing feedback to students on academic work, completed or in progress, is an integral part of teaching and learning in that it allows students to measure their understanding of material, the success of their learning strategies, and their progress on learning objectives. While the nature and frequency of such feedback will vary with the course and level, Carleton University is committed to providing students with appropriate and timely feedback on their work. Accordingly, wherever possible, and especially in first- and second-year courses, instructors are urged to include academic work that is assigned, evaluated and returned prior to the 25th teaching day of each term.

The University uses the following letter grade scale, and percentage equivalents, which should be used to calculate final course grades:. PLEASE NOTE: If you calculate grades in a way that deviates from the University grading system, such as by curving the grades a practice that is discouraged , the alternative grading scheme must be carefully detailed in the course outline and clearly communicated to students at the beginning of the course. GNA Grade not available. This notation is replaced with the appropriate grade for the course as soon as it is available. Note that this notation is not to be used as a temporary mark as a result of informal deferrals. In those cases, you must calculate a final letter grade based on a mark of 0 for any unsubmitted work. SAT Satisfactory performance in an ungraded program requirement or option. This grade can be assigned only in courses that are designated to be graded on this basis.

Carleton university grading system

To obtain credit in a course, students must satisfy the course requirements as published in the course outline. The instructor is required to provide a formal statement to students called the Course Outline. The course outline must be made available to all Carleton students registered in that course, on or before the required date found in the schedule for The Academic Year, normally one week prior to the start of a term. Providing feedback to students on academic work, completed or in progress, is an integral part of teaching and learning in that it allows students to measure their understanding of material, the success of their learning strategies, and their progress on learning objectives. While the nature and frequency of such feedback will vary with the course and level, Carleton University is committed to providing students with appropriate and timely feedback on their work. Accordingly, wherever possible, and especially in first- and second-year courses, instructors are urged to include academic work that is assigned, evaluated and returned prior to the 25th teaching day of each term. More generally, all instructors are urged to include academic work that is assigned, evaluated and returned prior to the 40th teaching day of each term. The spirit of this guideline should be followed during the summer term.

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Applications are available in the department offices. If for some reason it takes you more than 20 minutes to enter your grades, click on submit before the 20 minutes are up and return to the screen to complete your grade entry. Outstanding seniors in the field of music performance will be selected by Music faculty for the "Honors in Music Performance" award. DNC Did not complete the course. This honor is recognized at Opening Convocation in September of the following year. Each fall term, the College offers over thirty AI seminars designed to introduce students to a liberal arts approach to learning and to develop the critical and creative skills they will need to thrive in academic work at Carleton. Although not noted separately under departmental course listings, independent study options are available across the curriculum. Unless an appeal has been initiated prior to the awarding of a degree, grades that have been used towards the awarding of a degree are not eligible for a change of grade. Incomplete may be assigned to a Graduate course in which the student has been approved to submit an assignment after the final deadline date. Normally it takes four years to complete the work for graduation, of which at least six terms, including the senior year last three academic terms , must be spent in residence at Carleton. Or an L grade? Students normally carry 18 credits per term.

Your course instructors determine how your course work — including assignments, tests, exams, labs, attendance, et cetera — is evaluated. Normally, your course outline will indicate how you will be graded.

If for some reason it takes you more than 20 minutes to enter your grades, click on submit before the 20 minutes are up and return to the screen to complete your grade entry. There is no need to record the EX1 or EX3 online as it should already appear on your online grading roster. At the end of any course, you may request a written evaluation from your instructor. Registration for your seventh term will be held if you have not declared by that time. A good liberal arts education requires not only rigor and depth, but also sufficient breadth to expose students to a wide range of subjects and methods of studying them. Close this window Print Options. Disciplinary minors recognize the students acquisition of in-depth knowledge of a single discipline; Interdisciplinary minors recognize the completion of a program of study that links and integrates multiple academic disciplines. In other departments, extensive research projects, papers or public lectures are required. At least six credits are required in courses that focus on the variety of disciplinary approaches to the study of individuals and societies. Once posted, final grades may only be changed through informal or formal appeals of grade processes see Sections 3. Because the topics vary from year to year, some students are able to register for more than one departmental seminar during their college program. Some exceptions to the senior residency rule may be given by the Academic Standing Committee. In the case of re-registration in any of the above courses, the IP notation will remain; a final grade will normally be assigned in the final period of registration. This honor is recognized at Opening Convocation in September of the following year.

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