Carmilla lol
Weaponized to operate outside the boundaries of the law, Camille is the Principal Intelligencer of Clan Ferros—an elegant and elite agent who ensures the Piltover carmilla lol and its Zaunite underbelly runs smoothly, carmilla lol. Adaptable and precise, she views sloppy See More. Basic attacks on champions grant a shield equal to a percentage of Camille's maximum health against their damage type Physical or Magic for a brief duration.
As a human, Carmilla fell in love with Cecilion , who was a Blood Demon, but cruel reality separated them. Carmilla had already guessed the identity of Cecilion. Even so, she wanted to be with Cecilion , so she chose to commit suicide. When she woke up, she found that she had become a Blood Demon, lying, in the arms of her lover. From then on, the two of them stayed away from the world together forever. Carmilla can only steal defense from the same enemy hero once every 5s. The Crimson Flowers' circling speed is increased each time an enemy is hit.
Carmilla lol
Want to contribute to this wiki? Sign up for an account, and get started! You can even turn off ads in your preferences. Come join the LoL Wiki community Discord server! Weaponized to operate outside the boundaries of the law, Camille is the Principal Intelligencer of Clan Ferros —an elegant and elite agent who ensures the Piltover machine and its Zaunite underbelly runs smoothly. Adaptable and precise, she views sloppy technique as an embarrassment that must be put to order. With a mind as sharp as the blades she bears, Camille's pursuit of superiority through hextech body augmentation has made many wonder if she is now more machine than woman. Utilizing shadow investments in chemtech and runic alchemy, they developed less powerful, but easier to make, synthetic hex-crystals. Yet there were consequences—synthetic crystal manufacturing has long been rumored to heavily contribute to the Zaun Gray. She had exceptional tutors, learning to speak several foreign languages and play the cellovinna at a concert-master level. Camille also learned to read and write Ancient Shuriman while assisting her father on digs in the Odyn Valley.
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Learn more about Camille's abilities, skins, or even ask your own questions to the community! If you're looking for the best rune build for Camille we've got you covered. If you are already familiar with how to play Camille this is a great resource to quickly get a good rune selection for Patch However, if you are a new Camille player we highly recommend reading through some of the guides above to learn why this build is strong on Camille! Learn Camille's counters and discover matchups where they have an advantage! When you're starting a game of League of Legends you should always keep in mind if you'll be at an advantage or disadvantage against your opponent, so you can know whether to bully them or play safe. You can find detailed breakdowns of each matchup on CounterStats, and you can also check out some Camille guides to see how to build and play against other champions you may find yourself up against! The percent shown is the enemy champion's counter rating against Camille.
Carmilla lol
Weaponized to operate outside the boundaries of the law, Camille is the Principal Intelligencer of Clan Ferros—an elegant and elite agent who ensures the Piltover machine and its Zaunite underbelly runs smoothly. Adaptable and precise, she views sloppy See More.
Sqaure outage
Camille pulls herself to a wall, leaping off and knocking up enemy champions upon landing. The Weakest Heart. Camille blasts in a cone after a delay, dealing damage. She's cold and ruthless, not allowing any emotion to interfere with her duties. Camille asked Ekko if there was any way to contact his Future Self and Ekko told him that there was a way and to play along, Ekko called his future self and told him that Camille was going to kill him for letting the Poigndestres go, Camille proceeded to pretend to attack him with her blades and Future Ekko appeared at that moment to stop Camille from landing the final blow on Ekko. Adaptable and precise, she views sloppy technique as an embarrassment that must be put to order. Mentioned: Camille , Kusho. Severed Ties. However, Camille's younger brother, Stevan, had a weak constitution, and so Camille took his place. League of Legends Wiki. Read Biography. Close top ad. This spell can be recast for a short period of time, doing significantly increased bonus damage if Camille delays a period of time between the two attacks.
Want to contribute to this wiki? Sign up for an account, and get started! You can even turn off ads in your preferences.
Categories : Heroes Support Heroes. Basic attacks on champions grant a shield equal to a percentage of Camille's maximum health against their damage type Physical or Magic for a brief duration. Camille Character. Able to merge with shadows at will, she patiently stalks her prey, waiting for the right moment to strike. Champion Mastery OP. So, here's to the new us. Future Ekko said that the only way to avoid the catastrophe was to destroy the reserves of Syntixi and the reserves of Hextech crystals in the Ferros clan vaults at the same time, which horrified Camille and Ekko. A chance to come alive. Tales of Runeterra League Animation Workshop. Passive Adaptive Defenses Basic attacks on champions grant a shield equal to a percentage of Camille's maximum health against their damage type Physical or Magic for a brief duration. Mentioned: Camille , Kusho. Mentioned: Camille , Singed. Camille also learned to read and write Ancient Shuriman while assisting her father on digs in the Odyn Valley. You Really Got Me. She took on further refinements, including bladed legs, grapple-spindled hips, and other, minor hex-augmentations, leading some to wonder how much of the woman was left.
What curious topic
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Alas! Unfortunately!