celebrity phone book

Celebrity phone book

See Who's Texting. Log in Book a Demo.

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Celebrity phone book


Jack Harlow


April 22, by Joan Stewart. I read that she announced that her daughter, 7, is transgender. Who do we call? Do you have her address? Those are the types of questions I receive frequently. The way to get through to most celebs is to penetrate their inner circle: the important people who decide whether your request is worthy of a second look.

Celebrity phone book

The idea of calling a celebrity may sound crazy on the face of it, but is it really? You might be surprised at how easy getting in tough with celebrities has become in recent years. Community is an innovative text messaging platform that connects people, businesses, and brands to the conversations they want to be a part of. Celebrities and other users of the service receive a unique digit phone number to share with their audience, giving the authentic experience of texting with a friend. However, it should be noted that while you can text celebrities via these numbers hosted by Community, it is unlikely that you will receive a response. For a guaranteed personal interaction with your favorite celebrity, the best place to turn to may be Cameo. This online service connects celebrities and fans through video calls.

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Miami Dolphins Stock Image. Synopsis About this edition An alphabetical listing of contact addresses and phone numbers for some 4, famous people in show business, politics, sports and other professions. New York Giants Book Description Condition: Good. JP Saxe Pittsburgh Penguins Items related to The Celebrity Phone Book. Overheard Madonna Charlotte Checkers

Last Updated: October 14, Fact Checked. This article was co-authored by Look to the Stars.

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