celestia from my little pony

Celestia from my little pony

She is a major character in the series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and has been heavily featured in merchandise. Most earlier toys portrayed her as a shade of pink. After the introduction of Princess Cadancemost toys began using a more show accurate white.

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Celestia from my little pony

Princess Celestia , called Queen Celestia in one comic and early development , is an Alicorn pony , the former co-ruler of Equestria alongside her younger sister Princess Luna , and the adoptive aunt of Princess Cadance. In addition to her responsibility of raising the sun , she has also been the teacher of Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer at different periods in time, often addressing Twilight as "my faithful student" while mentoring her. She has a pet phoenix named Philomena. Lauren Faust 's childhood Majesty toy. Princess Celestia was inspired by Majesty , a G1 unicorn. Lauren Faust commented that Princess Celestia was originally supposed to be Queen Celestia, the highest authority, with no parents who outrank her. Her status was changed to "princess" at Hasbro's request, [6] though she was eventually referred to as "Queen Celestia" in the IDW comics ' My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue 62 , on page 2 of which Gestal addresses her as such. Faust also mentioned that during the initial casting of the show, Kathleen Barr , Trixie 's voice actress, did a "very good" audition for Princess Celestia before Nicole Oliver ultimately got the role. Princess Celestia is larger than most ponies , with four exceptions being Nightmare Moon , who is about the same size until she reverts back to being Princess Luna, Trouble Shoes , [8] Steel Buns , and Twilight as a fully-grown Alicorn in the future. As with regular unicorns , when Celestia casts magic, a magic aura surrounds both her horn and the objects her magic affects. In The Return of Harmony Part 1 , it is blue when Celestia opens the door to the vault, pink when she levitates the empty box the Elements of Harmony are supposed to be in, and blue when she drops the box. The glow is yellow in the remastered title sequence introduced with Lesson Zero , as well as in that episode itself and all the second season episodes that follow it. In the first episode's prologue, a storybook-like narrative portrays the elder unicorn princess on the left and her younger sister. The elder sister is later named Princess Celestia.

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Putri Celestia , dipanggil Ratu Celestia dalam satu komik dan pengembangan awal, adalah poni Alikorn , mantan penguasa bersama Equestria bersama dengan adik perempuannya Putri Luna , dan bibi angkat Putri Cadance. Selain tanggung jawabnya untuk mengangkat matahari , dia juga menjadi guru Twilight Sparkle dan Sunset Shimmer pada periode waktu yang berbeda, sering menyebut Twilight sebagai "murid setiaku" sambil membimbingnya. Dia memiliki feniks kesayangan bernama Philomena. Mainan Majesty masa kecil Lauren Faust. Princess Celestia terinspirasi oleh Majesty , Unikorn G1. Lauren Faust berkomentar bahwa Putri Celestia pada awalnya seharusnya menjadi Ratu Celestia, otoritas tertinggi, tanpa orang tua yang mengunggulinya. Alkitab acara, seperti yang terlihat di The Art of Equestria , menunjukkan nama aslinya sebagai "Ratu Majesty". Faust juga menyebutkan bahwa selama pemilihan pemain-main awal acara, Kathleen Barr , aktris suara Trixie , melakukan audisi "sangat bagus" untuk Putri Celestia sebelum Nicole Oliver akhirnya mendapatkan peran tersebut. Putri Celestia lebih besar dari kebanyakan poni , dengan empat pengecualian adalah Nightmare Moon , yang ukurannya hampir sama sampai dia kembali menjadi Putri Luna, Trouble Shoes , [8] Steel Buns , dan Twilight sebagai Alikorn dewasa di masa depan. Seperti unikorn biasa, ketika Celestia mengeluarkan sihir, aura sihir mengelilingi tanduknya dan objek yang dipengaruhi sihirnya.

Celestia from my little pony

Though its target audience was young girls, its cultural impact was widespread and deep as it amassed a number of adult fans as well. It spawned an international convention circuit and a fandom fascinated with the most minute details of the show's continuity. While the show never strayed from its central ethos concerning "the magic of friendship," its increasingly sprawling continuity and thrilling battles contributed to a rich sense of characterization and history.


When it is over, Celestia has earned her sun cutie mark and Luna her crescent moon cutie mark. Comb your princess friends pretty purple and pink ringlets and put in her barrettes to help her majesty always look her best and rule with justice and beauty! While kindhearted and slow to anger, Celestia's patience does have its limits. Hurray for tea with ponies! In a third alternate timeline leaded by Discord, Celestia and Luna are reduced to being Discord's personal entertainment. With the help of her sister, Princess Luna, she makes sure the sun and moon rise and set each day. To teach Platinum a lesson, Luna uses the Organ to send the former sprawling outside. My Little Pony Trading Post These letters typically serve to illustrate each episode's moral for the show's viewers. However, after the exposure and defeat of Queen Chrysalis and the wedding ceremony, Celestia commends Twilight for persisting in the face of doubt and following her instincts in bringing Princess Cadance back, reaffirming their good relationship. Heroes Wiki. Celestia is introduced to Zecora's kind when she goes looking for Luna and finds her on the outskirts of where the zebras reside. During the film's credits, Celestia meets Queen Novo. Princess Celestia acts as a mentor to Twilight. During a party, Spike reminds an irate Twilight that the ponies have to stay up all night in order to witness Princess Celestia raise the sun.

Celestia's Ballad is the fifth of the seven songs featured in the season three finale, Magical Mystery Cure. Princess Celestia sings to Twilight Sparkle , explaining that she has fulfilled her destiny, and that every day she's been watching over her studies.

Though one of her students, Sunset Shimmer would prove unwilling to learn, Celestia would later become Twilight Sparkle 's teacher, helping Twilight refine her magical abilities. Also, in Lesson Zero, when Spike makes her aware that Twilight inadvertently unleashed mass chaos onto Ponyville in her obsessive attempts to find a friendship report to send to the Princess, Celestia personally intervenes to undo Twilight's out-of-control spell. She and her younger sister Princess Luna are responsible for raising the sun and the moon to create light and darkness in Equestria. Other than raising the sun and wielding the Elements of Harmony, Princess Celestia displays telekinesis in various episodes and in the show's opening sequence. Princess Celestia inspires everypony to be their best. Several of her variants also have roles in story events. She also has an additional color in her mane and slightly different eyes and symbol. She also finds herself having to retrieve the Crystal Heart for the Crystal Empire's sovereign, unicorn Princess Amore , when it is taken by a dragon. At the end of the following episode, Princess Celestia only reappears with the defeat of Nightmare Moon, and the sun subsequently rises. Now that they have their cutie marks, she hopes that more exciting adventures are to come for her and Luna.

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