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To już Dziękujemy, że co tydzień sięgają Państwo po miejski tygodnik. W jubileuszowym wydaniu piszemy o Spisobusie, który wyruszył na ulice Wrocławia, obchodach Ponadto odkrywamy tajemnice staromiejskich wysp. Zapraszamy do lektury. Read less.
Monopoly Cheat 1: Volunteer to be the banker. Embezzlement may not be the most creative cheat in the world but if it worked for Bernie Madoff, it can also work for you. Make sure you set up the bank in back of you, and then every time the other players get into an argument about whether or not landing on Free Parking should entitle a player to a payoff, surreptitiously sneak a few hundreds into your own stash. Monopoly Cheat 3: Roll the dice quickly. Whoops, you got a two which puts you on Park Place, already owned by one of your opponents. Monopoly Cheat 4: Get into the habit of tapping your piece loudly every time you move around the board. The other players will soon get used to the sound, and go back to attending to their own affairs when your turn comes.
Читы на monopoly one
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