chapter 2 season 2 fortnite map

Chapter 2 season 2 fortnite map

Five new locations were introduced at the launch of Fortnite's Season 2, Chapter 2. Each of the new locations appears as Named Locations on the map and contains a special Vault. Below is a little bit of info about each of the Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2 new locationsmap changes, and Vaults.

Welcome to the Fortnite Wiki! Feel free to explore and contribute to the wiki with links, articles, categories, templates, and pretty images! Check out the Community Page! Chapter 2: Season 2 , also known as Season 12 in the game files, with the slogan " Top Secret" , was the twelfth season of Fortnite: Battle Royale , which started on February 20th , and ended on June 16th Close to 17 weeks. Previously the start date was meant to be on December 13th , but was postponed to February 6th to make way for the holidays and the Live At Risky event. Unlike last season, the expansion came with more challenges, more ways to earn XP and more updates with content.

Chapter 2 season 2 fortnite map


However, a mysterious group named A. The Grotto The Grotto is an underground facility located along the eastern edge of the map, as indicated by the light blue arrow in the map above. Grenade Common.


As the tales of Greek mythology descend upon the Fortnite island in Chapter Five, season two, a slew of fresh legendary locations are getting ushered in. While a complete map overhaul may not be in the cards, some areas have been revamped to accommodate the Greek deities and their accompanying styles in the battle pass. The new Fortnite map in all its glory. As you can see, the map includes several new locations to check out in Chapter Five, season two. These new locations should open up some exciting new content. This new location in Fortnite Chapter Five, season two is shrouded in the eerie green waters of the Underworld, with gondolas brimming with loot luring you in. Will we encounter the ruler of the Underworld himself within its shadowy depths? Besides the four new POIs, Fortnite also introduces a few minor changes and removes a couple of locations in Chapter Five, season two:.

Chapter 2 season 2 fortnite map

Five new locations were introduced at the launch of Fortnite's Season 2, Chapter 2. Each of the new locations appears as Named Locations on the map and contains a special Vault. Below is a little bit of info about each of the Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2 new locations , map changes, and Vaults. Some of the new locations in Fortnite Season 2, Chapter 2 can also be spotted in the season trailer above. Appropriately named, the Shark is a mansion that sits on an island in the northwest corner of the map, shown in red above. Players can visit the above-ground portion of the island or they can enter through the mouth of the shark to explore an underground area. The Yacht is, well, a yacht! Indicated by the purple arrow in the map above, the ship is docked just off of the northeastern shore and has five different levels for players to explore. If you need a break from the island, the Yacht will offer a nice change of scenery and a couple of cool treasures! The Agency is the headquarters for our beloved characters this season and is shown in orange above.

Frisk xxx

As the dust settled, The orb machine emerged from the ruins of The Agency. If you need a break from the island, the Yacht will offer a nice change of scenery and a couple of cool treasures! Close to 17 weeks. Each location will have a different miniboss, who will be protected by henchmen. For the second season of Chapter 5, see Chapter 5: Season 2. Chapter 2: Season 2. Medkit Uncommon. Music Pack. Llamacorn Express Glider. Ride the Corn! The Clash Free Loading Screen. At this point, some of the tendrils managed to breach the outer casing, although they were channeled and rerouted back into the orb. Teasers are for TNTina.

Fortnite Season 1 shakes up battle royale considerably, introducing a new island that has plenty of new and returning locations.

When the countdown for The Device event reached zero, the storm had already closed in around The Agency during the later stages of a particular loop. Launch Pad Epic. Near the very end of the season, Chaos Agent was seen observing the battle in the shadows. Roy G Meowscles Loading Screen. Suppressed Assault Rifle Rare - Legendary. Heavy Sniper Rifle Epic and Legendary. Small Fries Common. The above text highlights that Jones has just found out that The Storm is not simply a storm, as The Loop depends upon it to function. Creative Inventory Phone. However, be careful, because Vaults are closely guarded! Minigun Epic and Legendary.

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