Chopper rebels

But one stands apart from the rest: CP, a. When it comes to the most-loved droid in Star Warschopper rebels, there are a lot of chopper rebels picks. Fans who err on the side of picking a tried-and-true classic will likely settle on the dependable R2-D2, or the anxiety-riddled human protocol droid C-3PO.

Everyone will agree that the astromech droid is a force to be reckoned with. He can take care of himself like when he rolls in blasters blazing to save the day. His antics bring laughter to those not directly affected. Despite his idiosyncrasies, his loyalty to his crew makes him endearing. Along with Ezra Bridger, he is the only character who appears in every episode of Rebels , showing how integral he is to the story and the ongoing Rebellion.

Chopper rebels

Please help Wookieepedia by editing this article. Once you have fixed an issue, you may remove it from the list of issues. See this article's talk page for more information. CP , commonly known as " Chopper ," or simply " Chop ," was a masculine C1-series astromech droid manufactured by Industrial Automaton that was active during the Clone Wars and the early years of the Galactic Empire. He was responsible for maintaining the Ghost , a modified VCX light freighter which served as the rebel cell's main base of operations. During his time with the crew of the Ghost , Chopper took part in numerous raids and missions against Imperial targets. Due to his old age and lack of regular maintenance, Chopper developed an argumentative, cantankerous, and mischievous personality. Despite these personality flaws, he was a loyal member of his rebel crew. Later, Chopper and his fellow rebels joined the Phoenix Cell , which was part of the rebellion. Together, the two played an important role in helping the Phoenix rebels discover a new base on the planet Atollon , which was named Chopper Base in Chopper's honor. Over the years, Chopper would continue serving the Spectres as the group became involved in the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

After Sabine had received chopper rebels fourth load of proton bombs, a bolt of lightning struck the Imperial cargo ship, causing the ship to list towards a vortex. Kenobi powered up Chopper and tended to the unconscious Ezra, chopper rebels.

A beat-up, patched together astromech droid dating back to the Clone Wars, CP — or Chopper —is a reliable droid who has served with Hera Syndulla for decades. Loyal to a fault, with a cranky personality to match his weathered finish, during the age of the Empire, Chopper served the Ghost crew in everything from ship maintenance to undercover missions and combat. When Hera left home to become a rebel offworld, Chopper followed, eventually working as a trusted member of the Ghost crew. Chopper was capable at manning the guns during battle, or trading his orange and yellow paint job for a more Imperial finish to go undercover behind enemy lines. The droid delighted in interacting with his friends in between missions, playing pranks on his fellow rebels, and unleashing more damaging antics on his enemies, chuckling electronically as he got the better of Imperial astromechs and stormtroopers.

A beat-up, patched together astromech droid dating back to the Clone Wars, CP — or Chopper —is a reliable droid who has served with Hera Syndulla for decades. Loyal to a fault, with a cranky personality to match his weathered finish, during the age of the Empire, Chopper served the Ghost crew in everything from ship maintenance to undercover missions and combat. When Hera left home to become a rebel offworld, Chopper followed, eventually working as a trusted member of the Ghost crew. Chopper was capable at manning the guns during battle, or trading his orange and yellow paint job for a more Imperial finish to go undercover behind enemy lines. The droid delighted in interacting with his friends in between missions, playing pranks on his fellow rebels, and unleashing more damaging antics on his enemies, chuckling electronically as he got the better of Imperial astromechs and stormtroopers. After many years of repairs and patch jobs, Chopper had a beat-up, worn look that matched his sometimes cranky personality. During a refueling mission on Horizon Base, Chopper stole a strut to upgrade his appearance. But beyond his rugged exterior, Chopper proved to be an essential part of the small rebel team, as loyal and heroic as the rest. Skip Navigation More More Search.

Chopper rebels

To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! Please help Wookieepedia by editing this article. Once you have fixed an issue, you may remove it from the list of issues. See this article's talk page for more information. CP , commonly known as " Chopper ," or simply " Chop ," was a masculine C1-series astromech droid manufactured by Industrial Automaton that was active during the Clone Wars and the early years of the Galactic Empire.


Thrawn promptly captured Hera and Ezra and seized the Kalikori to add to his art collection. Expected availability date may be subject to change, items may arrive earlier or later than anticipated without notice. While Sabine and her comrades negotiated with Sabine's mother Ursa Wren , Chopper repaired the damaged thrusters. Following a fierce struggle, AP-5 managed to deactivate the intruder. Meanwhile, Ezra fought with his lightsaber; revealing his identity as a Jedi. Following the source of the noise, he was cornered and electrocuted by one of the Seventh Sister's ID9 seeker droids. Shortly thereafter, they were joined by Ezra, who had climbed the walker under the pretext of fighting the hijackers. Upon arriving, he met his friend AP-5, who complained about the lateness of the shipment. At first, the rebels' assault on the Imperial communications tower went according to plan. Sabine sent Chopper to fetch Kanan, which he promptly did. While the other crew had collapsed from exhaustion, Chopper alone stayed await and kicked Ezra with one of his wheels. Unlock more than 40 sound and movement combinations by pressing the button on Chopper's body, posing his front arm, or by making sounds of your own.


While Kanan was willing to destroy the Protectors' starfighters, he still wanted to try a diplomatic solution. As a result of the reverse feed, Chopper's Imperial reprogramming was removed and his original programming was restored. On Ahsoka , Chopper was seen advocating for Hera to shoot down an enemy ship, even after she warned him it would crash into the city below. While making their way back to the Ghost , Chopper and his fellow rebels were pursued by stormtroopers. In the cargo hold, Chopper under the orders of Hera activated the magnetizer. The three rebels then proceeded to find the Infiltrator Droid and soon discovered that EXD-9 had cannibalized another astromech droid for power and spareparts. Chopper then detected the arrival of Imperial reinforcements, which turned out to be the Fifth Brother and the Seventh Sister. Chopper and his fellow rebels managed to dock in the Interdictor's hangar bay and enter the vessel due to their disguises. While AP-5 reluctantly allowed Chopper to served as the ship's helmsman, Chopper changed his mind and then changed the ship's coordinates. Since the ship could not land, the rebels used grappling guns to fire magnetic cables to the Ghost ' s hull. There, Zeb and his companions discovered that Lira San was home to millions of Lasat and would be a safe refugee for the Lasat species. Chopper awoke Ezra and Sabine and used his spark projector to free them from their restraints. While making their way back to the Ghost , Chopper and his fellow rebels were pursued by Stormtroopers. The rebels were rescued by Saw, who destroyed the droids with grenades.

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