Christian slater imdb

Set in the s, this memorable christian slater imdb extols the virtues of friendship and honesty. When an unpopular, brainy girl receives her only Valentine's Day card from the class clown, she is

R min Drama, Mystery, Thriller. An intellectually nonconformist friar investigates a series of mysterious deaths in an isolated abbey. PG min Biography, Comedy, Drama. The story of Preston Tucker, the maverick car designer and his ill-fated challenge to the auto industry with his revolutionary car concept. PG 88 min Sci-Fi, Drama.

Christian slater imdb

Ranked list of all of his movies I've seen so far From favs to least favs Not counting cameoroles R min Comedy, Crime, Thriller. A prostitute is killed during a bachelor party and the attendees turn on each other as the wedding approaches. R min Comedy, Crime. At Westerburg High where cliques rule, jocks dominate and all the popular girls are named Heather, it's going to take a Veronica and mysterious new kid to give teen angst a body count. Not Rated min Drama, Romance, Thriller. An unhinged office worker who planned to go on a shooting spree at his workplace struggles with his newfound status as a hero after he ends up stopping a shooting spree instead. Director: Frank A. Macy , Michael DeLuise.

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Sign In. Edit Christian Slater. Hide Show Actor credits. Torrance voice. Slater voice. Archer Sylvan. Rand Ridley voice.

In the '90s, Christian Slater was on track to become one of the leading men to beat. His first taste of the big screen came when he played the young brother of the titular hero in 's "The Legend of Billie Jean. In part because of difficult times in Slater's life when, as recounted by the Guardian , he was acting a little too much like his more self-destructive characters than anyone would like, Slater's star began to fall in the late '90s, but he never left the spotlight entirely. Among other things, Slater began doing more work on television, which eventually led to some of his most celebrated roles. From homicidal high schoolers to anarchist hackers, here are Christian Slater's best onscreen performances. We learn of Louis being turned into a vampire by Lestat Tom Cruise , his long and strange relationship with the young Claudia Kirsten Dunst , and the tragic turn of events in Paris when he encounters Armand Antonio Banderas. In spite of the pain, Louis relates to Molloy, and toward the end of the film, he still begs to be made immortal.

Christian slater imdb

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Christian started in show business early, appearing on the soap opera The Edge of Night in at the age of 7. He went on to star in many Broadway shows in the earlys. He moved to Los Angeles in to pursue a further acting career after dropping out of high school. After having a starring role in the cult classic Heathers , he became somewhat known as the Hollywood bad-boy, having many run-ins with the law. In , he married Ryan Haddon, the daughter of s model Dayle Haddon. The couple have two children, Jaden Christopher b.

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Jones , Conchata Ferrell. Who Is Cletis Tout? R min Action, Comedy. Guns, Girls and Gambling. Retrieved March 2, Slater also voiced the character John Watson a. Critics' Choice Award. Director: Bruce A. Zergzees voice. Billy the Kid and his band of outlaws are pursued across New Mexico territory by Sheriff Pat Garrett, whom the young gunslingers must face-off with if they are to reach the safety of the border. However, once there, they realize that they are being hunted by a serial killer, who might be someone amidst them. Self - Guest. Heavy drawl, reminiscent of Jack Nicholson. R 96 min Action, Crime, Drama. I also look back sometimes and realize that I was lucky to have lived through them and even to have survived them, at times.

Profession Actor, producer. Close Ad. New This Month.

At Westerburg High where cliques rule, jocks dominate and all the popular girls are named Heather, it's going to take a Veronica and mysterious new kid to give teen angst a body count. Self - Guest. Alienated teenager Mark uses his evil genius to manipulate his family and intimidate his peers. Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery. Four astronauts working at a lunar base suffer a meteor strike that brings an infection that leads to paranoia, fear and death. Not Rated 90 min Crime, Thriller. An eager and idealistic young attorney defends an Alcatraz prisoner accused of murdering a fellow inmate. Nymphomaniac: Vol. Mini Bio. Brittany Lopez December 2, - present 1 child. Ushari voice. Scott Ward and his rescue crew's efforts to protect all they love during the first phases of the mysterious zombie outbreak in Vegas. I also look back sometimes and realize that I was lucky to have lived through them and even to have survived them, at times. Slater has about 5 minutes of screen-time and fail to impress, but so does the rest of the cast

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