claudia cardinale young

Claudia cardinale young

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Claudia cardinale young

Born and raised in La Goulette , a neighbourhood of Tunis , Cardinale won the "Most Beautiful Italian Girl in Tunisia" competition in , the prize being a trip to Italy, which quickly led to film contracts, due above all to the involvement of Franco Cristaldi , who acted as her mentor for a number of years and later married her. In , Cardinale met director Pasquale Squitieri , who would become her partner, and she frequently featured in his films, including I guappi , Corleone and Claretta , the last of which won her the Nastro d'Argento Award for Best Actress. In , she starred in Werner Herzog 's Fitzcarraldo as the love interest of Klaus Kinski , who raises the funds to buy a steamship in Peru. They later settled in La Goulette, which had a large Italian community. Her native languages were French, Tunisian Arabic , and the Sicilian language of her parents. She did not learn to speak Italian until she had already begun to be cast for Italian films. Cardinale was educated at the Saint-Joseph-de-l'Apparition school of Carthage , which she attended along with her younger sister Blanche. The film made her a minor local celebrity, [11] and led to her being spotted by Jacques Baratier , who offered her a minor role in Goha. She accepted it reluctantly after Baratier explained he wanted a Tunisian actress rather than an Italian to star in the main role opposite the Egyptian actor Omar Sharif. The appearance nonetheless marked her feature-film debut. After being spotted by several film producers at the event, she was invited to study at the Experimental Cinematography Centre in Rome under Tina Lattanzi. She attended briefly as, despite her extremely photogenic looks, she had trouble with her acting assignments partly owing to her difficulties with the Italian language. Back in Tunis, however, Cardinale discovered unexpectedly that she was pregnant, the result of what she later described as a "terrible" relationship with a Frenchman, some 10 years her senior, which began when she was only 17 and lasted for about a year. On this discovery, he wanted her to have an abortion, but she decided to keep the child.

Cardinale lived with Pasquale Squitierian Italian film director, for 42 years, from [] until Squitieri died on 18 Februaryaged Learn more about contributing.


Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Claudia Cardinale I Actress Soundtrack. Play trailer Il principe delle pezze Like many other female Italian film stars, Claudia Cardinale's entry into the business was by way of a beauty pageant.

Claudia cardinale young

Born and raised in La Goulette , a neighbourhood of Tunis , Cardinale won the "Most Beautiful Italian Girl in Tunisia" competition in , the prize being a trip to Italy, which quickly led to film contracts, due above all to the involvement of Franco Cristaldi , who acted as her mentor for a number of years and later married her. In , Cardinale met director Pasquale Squitieri , who would become her partner, and she frequently featured in his films, including I guappi , Corleone and Claretta , the last of which won her the Nastro d'Argento Award for Best Actress. In , she starred in Werner Herzog 's Fitzcarraldo as the love interest of Klaus Kinski , who raises the funds to buy a steamship in Peru. They later settled in La Goulette, which had a large Italian community. Her native languages were French, Tunisian Arabic , and the Sicilian language of her parents. She did not learn to speak Italian until she had already begun to be cast for Italian films.

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Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement. Czech-Slovakian Film Database. Gnudi, Ario Quotes I never felt scandal and confession were necessary to be an actress. Archived from the original on 13 July Maltin, Leonard Les Francis 4. In , Cardinale played the daughter of a political exile Adolfo Celi in Mauro Bolognini 's Libera, My Love , a character who becomes "increasingly incensed by the fascist government of Italy and makes a number of bold and very personal gestures against it". She was 17 years old and studying at the Centro Sperimentale in Rome when she entered a beauty contest, which resulted in her getting a succession of small film roles. All prints are printed on Fuji Crystal Archive paper and mounted in acid free mounts, the backs are taped to protect the print. Please enable browser cookies to use this feature.

By Chris Murphy. By Savannah Walsh. By David Canfield.

Liberation Publications. So as to maintain the secret, he drew up a detailed American-style contract covering every little detail of her life, depriving her of any possibility of acting on her own behalf. On this discovery, he wanted her to have an abortion, but she decided to keep the child. Tormented by thoughts of suicide, she fell into a state of depression. Archived from the original on 14 May Deutsche Synchronkartei Deutsche Biographie Trove. Today's Zaman. Lancia, Enrico; Poppi, Roberto Time Inc. Lee J. Der Spiegel in German. In , she starred in Werner Herzog 's Fitzcarraldo as the love interest of Klaus Kinski , who raises the funds to buy a steamship in Peru. Colli, Laura Delli; Lancia, Enrico Piccolina bella In Development.

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