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The figures shown relate to past performance. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results and should not be the sole factor of consideration when selecting a product or strategy. Individual shareholders may realize returns that are different to the NAV performance. The return of your investment may increase or decrease as a result of currency fluctuations if your investment is made in a currency other than that used in the past performance calculation. Source: Blackrock. This chart shows the fund's performance as the percentage loss or gain per year over the last 10 years. It can help you to assess how the fund has been managed in the past and compare it to its benchmark. As at 30th May , the Benchmark converted from a gross of tax to net of tax series. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Markets could develop very differently in the future. It can help you to assess how the fund has been managed in the past. Sustainability Characteristics provide investors with specific non-traditional metrics. Alongside other metrics and information, these enable investors to evaluate funds on certain environmental, social and governance characteristics. Sustainability Characteristics do not provide an indication of current or future performance nor do they represent the potential risk and reward profile of a fund. They are provided for transparency and for information purposes only.

Important Documents There are no documents available for this stock. Asset classes, cndx. MSCI has cndx an information barrier between equity index research and certain Information.

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As at 30th May , the Benchmark converted from a gross of tax to net of tax series. The figures shown relate to past performance. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Markets could develop very differently in the future. It can help you to assess how the fund has been managed in the past. Individual shareholders may realize returns that are different to the NAV performance. The return of your investment may increase or decrease as a result of currency fluctuations if your investment is made in a currency other than that used in the past performance calculation.


De weergegeven cijfers hebben betrekking op resultaten in het verleden. In het verleden behaalde resultaten zijn geen betrouwbare indicator voor toekomstige resultaten en dienen niet als enige criterium te worden genomen bij de selectie van een product of strategie. De prestaties van de aandelenklasse en de benchmark worden weergegeven in USD, de prestaties van de benchmark voor afgedekte fondsen worden weergegeven in USD. De resultaten worden weergegeven op basis van een netto-inventariswaarde NIW , en de bruto-inkomsten worden waar van toepassing herbelegd. Individuele aandeelhouders kunnen opbrengsten boeken die verschillen van het rendement van de NIW. Het rendement van uw belegging kan stijgen of dalen door valutaschommelingen indien uw belegging in een andere valuta is dan degene die werd gebruikt in de berekening van de resultaten uit het verleden. Bron: Blackrock. Deze grafiek toont de prestatie van het Fonds als percentage van het verlies of de winst per jaar over de laatste 10 jaar. Deze grafiek toont de prestatie van het fonds als het procentuele verlies of de winst per jaar over de laatste 10 jaar ten opzichte van zijn referentie.

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Communication Services. Broker tip: Trade this ETF for 0. Country Weight United States Wealth Shortlist fund Our analysts have selected this fund for the Wealth Shortlist. The primary risk in securities lending is that a borrower will default on their commitment to return lent securities while the value of the liquidated collateral does not exceed the cost of repurchasing the securities and the fund suffers a loss in respect of the short-fall. At BlackRock, securities lending is a core investment management function with dedicated trading, research and technology capabilities. Important Documents There are no documents available for this stock. Registered in England and Wales No. Past performance of a security may or may not be sustained in future and is no indication of future performance. Further information about the Fund and the Share Class, such as details of the key underlying investments of the Share Class and share prices, is available on the iShares website at www. FAQ Ask Us.

The figures shown relate to past performance.

As a result, it is possible there is additional involvement in these covered activities where MSCI does not have coverage. The lending programme is designed to deliver superior absolute returns to clients, whilst maintaining a low risk profile. Prospectus EN. Collateral parameters depend on the collateral and the loan combination, and the over collateralisation level may range from FT has not selected, modified or otherwise exercised control over the content of the videos or white papers prior to their transmission, or their receipt by you. Further information about the Fund and the Share Class, such as details of the key underlying investments of the Share Class and share prices, is available on the iShares website at www. Investments in securities are subject to market and other risks. Communication Services. The above table summarises the lending data available for the fund. Recent trades Trades by volume Recent trade data is unavailable. The largest provider of exchange-traded funds ETFs worldwide.

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