Compo tft 13.13
Our first comp is slayer mubis reroll. Since this is a compo tft 13.13 reroll comp, you want to slowroll above 50 gold on level 6 until you hit zed 3. Sett 3 and especially kled 3 are nice bonuses, compo tft 13.13, but they are not necessary for the success of this comp, while darius is a waste of money.
Welcome to our article where we cover the best TFT team comps for the current patch. Our team constantly works with top players like Frodan to analyze the meta and compile the best comps. The last patch of Set 10 is here with Patch Be sure to check out our fully updated Tier List as things may change slightly over the coming days. Click our Table of Contents to the right to jump to them. NOTE: These team comps will be accurate when we publish at the beginning of the patch but are constantly updated by our experts.
Compo tft 13.13
Headliner Crowd Diver Katarina is an absolute must for this comp as she is the main carry and Crowd Diver 6 is important to hit.
Building your team correctly will make or break your game. By using our TFT team builds, you will stay on top of the meta and up your game! Our Team Comps Tier list is updated for Patch Hey everyone! I love to create content about the current Meta, but also figure out all the hidden mechanics surrounding the game. I hope you find success with my Tier List.
Compo tft 13.13
Most of the update changes were balance tweaks while a large focus remained on getting Hero Augments in a solid spot. Attack damage end-game comps are still strong but players have more options in this patch to flex between AP and AD end-game comps than previous updates in Set Eight. Emerging from Patch She was then joined by Aphelios in what has become known as the Sureshot Aegis comp. The build synergizes with the Underground trait as an early-game option, providing enough gold for players to hit both two-star Samira and Aphelios when rolling down during the late-game Stages. Players can use any of the Hero Augments from Vi and Senna as well. Both Samira and Aphelios work best with attack-damage items. Hextech Gunblade is a solid item choice for Samira. Both Ekko and Sejuani are the frontline units that want tank items.
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Methodology We evaluate compositions based on 3 key factors: Consistency: How well does this comp perform from game to game and how reliably can you build towards it given a reasonable start? You will need a Headliner Olaf to play this comp, so keep this in mind if you find one. His most important item is edge of night to avoid getting oneshot, then damage items like deathblade, ie, hoj, gs, and runaans. The combination of these three factors allows us to define team compositions as S, A, or B. In order to highroll, you need to find Kayn early along with a Heartsteel Headliner for Heartsteel 7. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Once you find Seraphine 3, you can then push levels to add in units like Akali and Ahri for your final comp. If you hit a Dazzler Twisted Fate, you can still run Disco 5, which is the breakpoint for 2 disco balls. Ideally Senna or Akali, but Ekko can work too. Once you stabilize at level 8, you can look to rebuild your economy to roll for Lux 3. With Guardian Pantheon, you can opt to play toward 6 Guardian over Vex. This comp is mainly an option if you find a Headliner Kayle in the early game and want to use her as your main carry.
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Itemize sejuani as your main tank, and itemize lissandra as a secondary carry with AP items, especially if you can hit lissandra 3. The easy solution is to drop down to 2 Crowd Diver and go for 5 Edgelord by adding in something like Riven or Kayn. A-tier: Panic at the Disco! His most important item is edge of night to avoid getting oneshot, then damage items like deathblade, ie, hoj, gs, and runaans. The comp really shines at level 9 where you can run Sona as an additional carry and fit both 6 Sentinel and 5 Spellweaver. Gnar is the last low cost Pentakill unit and this comp uses him as the main carry. Kayle needs rageblade to function. Click our Table of Contents to the right to jump to them. This comp looks to reroll for Annie 3 and transition into a strong Spellweaver comp. Meta comps. Frobei 1 day ago. Emo Twitch became popular last patch with the Twin Terror Augment. How to play This is a 3-cost reroll comp, so you should slowroll on level 7 for akshan 3 and lissandra 3. This comp definitely requires a Heartsteel Headliner. You can reroll for units like Kennen, Lillia, or Mordekaiser for the supporting cast behind Gnar.
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