conan exiles weapons

Conan exiles weapons

What is the best non-legendary strength weapon to use?

Note that weapons crafted with the help of a bowmaker , bladesmith or confessor thrall will get additonal damage. One handed axes cause Bleed and Cripple with their attacks. Cripple reduces the movement speed of the enemy, while bleed causes them to constantly use some HP. One handed maces cause Sunder with their attacks, which reduces the armor of the enemy. They also have the Shieldsmash ability, meaning that they can attack enemy shields without being staggered. The short sword is ideal when friendly fire is an issue since it is a directed attack without an AOE. One handed swords cause Cripple with their attacks, which reduces the movement speed of the enemy.

Conan exiles weapons


Steel Short Sword.


You can try making your way through the Exiled Lands with just your fists and willpower, but it would be a bumpy ride if not wholly impossible. Upgrading from no weapon to a beginner weapon and then to more advanced pieces will change your gameplay experience altogether, and losing a great weapon to another player or a difficult dungeon will break your heart. They come with specific move-sets for their type, which will determine how you fight the enemies you encounter. Gamers that enjoy the combat aspect of survival games should try all of the craftable weapons in the game until they find the combat style they enjoy the most. Between their varying move-sets, outlandish kill animations, and epic appearance, the swords, axes, and hammers of Conan Exiles are one of the most entertaining parts of the game.

Conan exiles weapons

Note that weapons crafted with the help of a bowmaker , bladesmith or confessor thrall will get additonal damage. One handed axes cause Bleed and Cripple with their attacks. Cripple reduces the movement speed of the enemy, while bleed causes them to constantly use some HP. One handed maces cause Sunder with their attacks, which reduces the armor of the enemy. They also have the Shieldsmash ability, meaning that they can attack enemy shields without being staggered. The short sword is ideal when friendly fire is an issue since it is a directed attack without an AOE. One handed swords cause Cripple with their attacks, which reduces the movement speed of the enemy. Shields block incoming attacks, which can result in the enemy to be staggered for a few moments. Some shields will also be used in an attack combo of an 1H weapon.

Rhea seehorn

Just curious why the comment about the Star Metal Great Axe being bad? What is the best non-legendary strength weapon to use? Namtarite Axe. Scorpion Ward. Turanian Composite Bow Epic. It deals more damage, and stacks faster. Sign in to edit. Don't have an account? Vendhyan Katar Epic. Sword of the Brood-Guard. Akbitanan Throwing Knife. One handed axes cause Bleed and Cripple with their attacks. Relic Hunter Chakram. Bad Karma.


Fiend-Bone Shield. Bone Shield Variant B. Yamatai Katana Variant D. Hooked Short Sword. Battle-axe of the Berserkers. Argossean Warhammer Epic. Yakith Spike. Nkosi's Shield. Iron Short Sword Variant A. Surprise Blow.

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