Concordia student union
This is a historical mobilization, an expression of student resistance to unjust tuition hikes.
Section Besides organizing many events and activities, the CSU ensures student representation on University decision-making bodies, both those that legislate on academic and administrative matters and those concerned with the cultural and social life of the community. There are student members of the Board of Governors, Senate, the Faculty Councils, and the Concordia Council on Student Life, which is directly concerned with all issues pertaining to student life including the provision of student services. The CSU also oversees almost student-led clubs. There is a CSU office on each campus.
Concordia student union
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This is a historical mobilization, an expression of student resistance to unjust tuition hikes. Just like labour strikes, student strikes represent a disruption to the status quo and a withholding of academic labour. This has been a winning tactic in recent mobilizations against tuition hikes, including Want to join the resistance and go on strike? Show up to your GA! Hate the idea of striking and want to argue your case? All general assemblies need to make quorum in order to vote on any of these issues— so your presence is literally make-or-break. Check out their social media for the link.
Concordia student union
Student unions representing more than 20, students at Concordia University began strike action on Monday as they gear up for a mass demonstration against Quebec's tuition hikes in downtown Montreal on Wednesday. Hannah Jackson is the external and mobilization coordinator for the Concordia Student Union CSU and said she was pleased to see such support from student unions throughout the school. Concordia's Engineering and Computer Science Association ECA voted to strike, which added more than 6, students to the overall total. On Monday, Jackson said about students were preparing signs and organizing for a week's worth of picketing classes while other students attended student-led workshops instead of class.
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Hive Free Lunch Offering you a free lunch every weekday during the school year at Loyola campus. Section 20 Student Associations and Alumni Relations. The fight for fair and affordable education is not over. The CSU also oversees almost student-led clubs. Given this context, we question the sustainability of the bursary program. Want to join the resistance and go on strike? We demand that Concordia and McGill include international students in the distribution of bursaries. The GSA is concerned with graduate student representation on the Board of Governors, Senate, the School of Graduate Studies, the Faculty Councils, and the Concordia Council on Student Life, and initiates a wide range of activities for graduate students and the University community as a whole, including social occasions and lectures. We reject the false meritocracy embedded in the grade-based bursary system. In addition, there are a number of independent groups on campus that provide a variety of ways for students to engage in campus and community life such as Sustainable Concordia, the Refugee Centre and the Concordia Food Coalition. Benefits and Services — Alumni: With a complimentary Alumni ID card, alumni gain access to Concordia libraries, career services resources and discounts on fees at the Centre for Continuing Education.
Thousands of students will be striking from January Feb 2. The fight for fair and affordable education is not over. Section 20 Student Associations and Alumni Relations. We encourage students to check the official Concordia F. We refuse to abandon international students in our struggle for just, accessible, free education for all. In addition, there are a number of independent groups on campus that provide a variety of ways for students to engage in campus and community life such as Sustainable Concordia, the Refugee Centre and the Concordia Food Coalition. Advancement and Alumni Relations also offers photography services at gowning and convocation through affinity partners, GradImages and Lassman. Check out the full schedule here. The Alumni Relations Twitter and Instagram accounts ConcordiaAlumni serve up daily news about alumni and their alma mater. We reject the false meritocracy embedded in the grade-based bursary system.
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