continue 例文

Continue 例文

My menfollow me! To be continued.

The important thing is to continue. All rights reserved. They think the trend will continue to take hold. Secondly, what makes you think that the current momentum will continue? There's research that shows an older caregiver's health can continue to be negatively affected even after a parent's death. Oscar retired to his bedroom while his friends continue d to watch the soccer game in his living room. My family continue s the tradition to this day.

Continue 例文

I am so grateful for my time with you all. I will continue to do my best in this next challenge. Thank you. All rights reserved. Although we all want to continue , I think we need to put the project on hold. We are very satisfied with this quality. Are you able to continue at this level? Secondly, what makes you think that the current momentum will continue? If you continue to procrastinate, you will never succeed in life. Continue to take this medicine until you recover fully.

WordNet 3. Accessing the data continue s to be a tough nut to crack. In Ten Centuries.


Add to word list Add to word list. B1 [ I or T ] to keep happening , existing , or doing something, or to cause something or someone to do this:. If the rain continues, we'll have to cancel tonight's plans. B1 [ I ] to start to do something again after a pause :. The repair work on the south-bound lane of the motorway will continue until June. Please resume your seats , as the performance will continue in two minutes. I'd like to continue this discussion but we're all out of time. Football's popularity continues to grow.

Continue 例文

We'll continue to travel in the future because the march of technology still hasn't managed to produce an equal to pressing the flesh. All rights reserved. We teach you a dance for an hour from - of the style of dance for the evening's theme, then at 8 o'clock we have a live band, and then we encourage you to continue dancing and if I'm impressed, as the producer, I'll sneak you up on stage to perform for the audience. The air we breath has never been free, nor have the soil, the water, the forests, the trees or the light we see. Now the bill has arrived, and so long as we humans don't settle the account, Nature will not continue to let us inhibit this Earth. The sunny weather will continue until Tuesday. Let's continue where we left off. Once pollen-allergy symptoms start up, they can continue for months. If you continue to procrastinate, you will never succeed in life. The weather conditions will continue to deteriorate in the afternoon.

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The continue of the peace talks is essential for the region. Shall I continue speaking , or will you just interrupt me again? The dancing continued after dinner. We will continue staying on the air, so stick around. This wet weather may continue. Although we all want to continue , I think we need to put the project on hold. You can continue being the owner. The show must continue, no matter what happens. The exhibition continues until 25 July. Continued on [from] page He continued writing after dinner. If you continue to procrastinate, you will never succeed in life. The sunny weather will continue until Tuesday. Despite the rain, the game continued.

My men , follow me! To be continued.

He continued to write novels. All Rights Reserved. The continue of this project depends on further funding. I will continue it. If you continue obstinate , …. The show must continue, no matter what happens. The tradition continues to this day. So it's becoming harder for many lower-income people to continue living in Bed-Stuy. Thank you. If you continue to procrastinate, you will never succeed in life. One striking aspect of rakugo is that the same stories continue to be told in their original form.

2 thoughts on “Continue 例文

  1. I apologise, but, in my opinion, you are not right. I am assured. Let's discuss. Write to me in PM, we will talk.

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