cookie clicker wrinkler

Cookie clicker wrinkler

A wrinkler with Scary Stuff turned on. Wrinklers are twitchy leech-like creatures that, in normal gameplay, only start to appear during the Grandmapocalypse. While they at first appear to reduce CpS cookies per secondthey actually provide a massive boost to cookie production in the cookie clicker wrinkler run.

Shiny wrinklers are wrinklers that are whitish-gold in colour. Normal wrinklers give x1. They are affected multiplicatively by Sacrilegious Corruption and Wrinklerspawn, making them give x3. They also take 12 clicks to burst as opposed to the normal wrinklers' only 3 clicks. This spreadsheet provides calculations on what amount of CpS is being generated with varying amounts of normal and shiny wrinklers, with or without various upgrades.

Cookie clicker wrinkler

Wrinklers are twitchy leech-like creatures in Cookie Clicker that appear during the Grandmapocalypse. While they at first appear to reduce CpS cookies per second , they actually provide a massive boost to cookie production in the long run. During the Grandmapocalypse , wrinklers appear and slowly crawl towards the Big Cookie. A maximum of 10 wrinklers can be present at once, however the heavenly upgrade Elder Spice and the dragon aura Dragon Guts each allow 2 additional wrinklers present, for a maximum of 14 wrinklers. The amount of cookies digested may be viewed with the heavenly upgrade Eye of the Wrinkler. Each wrinkler has 2. Health will regenerate at 1. When popped, wrinklers give x1. Skruuia Pantheon god boosts wrinklers' CpS multiplier on pop and directly boosts spawn rate. Unlike regular wrinklers' 3 clicks, shiny wrinklers take 12 clicks to pop and will grant the Last Chance to See shadow achievement if done for the first time. When popped, it gives x3. The multiplier is affected by Sacrilegious Corruption and Wrinklerspawn , giving x3. The maximum in theory, would be x Shiny wrinkler values may be checked here. Because wrinklers store a percentage of the total wither rate, each additional wrinkler adds a larger bonus than the previous one.

The shadow achievement Last Chance To See is given by popping a shiny wrinkler. If shiny wrinklers are present, instead use the following formula, where S equals the amount of shiny wrinklers:, cookie clicker wrinkler.

Cookie Clicker is quite an unusual project where you need to develop your production of cookies. It has lots of cool features, and here, we'll tell you what Wrinklers are and how to get them in Cookie Clicker. Wrinklers have some interesting mechanics and you can use them to get some cookies. If you like this genre, check out:. Wrinklers in Cookie Clicker are leeches that appear near your cookies.

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Cookie Clicker Store Page. It is only visible to you. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact Steam Support. This item is incompatible with Cookie Clicker. Please see the instructions page for reasons why this item might not work within Cookie Clicker.

Cookie clicker wrinkler

Wrinklers are twitchy leech-like creatures in Cookie Clicker that appear during the Grandmapocalypse. While they at first appear to reduce CpS cookies per second , they actually provide a massive boost to cookie production in the long run. During the Grandmapocalypse , wrinklers appear and slowly crawl towards the Big Cookie. A maximum of 10 wrinklers can be present at once, however the heavenly upgrade Elder Spice and the dragon aura Dragon Guts each allow 2 additional wrinklers present, for a maximum of 14 wrinklers. The amount of cookies digested may be viewed with the heavenly upgrade Eye of the Wrinkler.

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Achievements, upgrades, dragon auras, heavenly upgrades, pantheon gods, and garden plants all increase the chance to unlock an egg. Twitter Facebook Reddit. Normal wrinklers give x1. If you like this genre, check out:. View history Talk 0. They also take 12 clicks to burst as opposed to the normal wrinklers' only 3 clicks. More information OK. The stats menu displays how much of the current CpS is being withered, as well as the number of popped wrinklers in the current ascension. While the output of manually clicking the big cookie is unaffected, having enough wrinklers will appear to halve the cookie production of every building and upgrade. Views Read View source View history. If shiny wrinklers are present, instead use the following formula, where S equals the amount of shiny wrinklers:. Play the game! Wrinklers are twitchy leech-like creatures that, in normal gameplay, only start to appear during the Grandmapocalypse.

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam.

Continue to progress through the game until you get six Grandmas and seven Grandma types. Sacrilegious Corruption — Increases the amount of cookies Wrinklers regurgitate. Cost scales with how many eggs you own. Main article: Easter Season. There is a 0. Basic Gameplay. Grandmapocalypse Wrinkler Wrath Cookie. Wrinklers are twitchy leech-like creatures that, in normal gameplay, only start to appear during the Grandmapocalypse. Current Wiki. They look like giant pink worms and work exactly the same way. It's going to be a big boy someday!

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