corporate benefits aok

Corporate benefits aok

Offer something for everyone with personal spending accounts to match any program design. Use self-serve employee enrolment to eliminate the stress and tedious tasks of benefits admin.

Want to work in Germany? Find out how easy it is to take out statutory medical insurance with AOK. We offer an attractive range of services to protect your health and that of your family. To work in Germany, you need statutory medical insurance. Your medical insurance contribution is generally paid directly out of your salary to the medical insurance provider by your employer.

Corporate benefits aok

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Read how Pleo, Thriva, and other clients increase their engagement with Ben. You will be sent an email directly confirming that your application has been received.

AOK Niedersachsen is the tenth-largest health insurance company in Germany. In Germany, companies that provide statutory health insurance are subject to a high degree of state regulation. For this reason, it is crucial for AOK Niedersachsen to stay agile and continuously boost overall corporate performance. Supported by IBM Business Partner valantic the company implemented a comprehensive database and a flexible BI system that supports planning, reporting, analysis and forecasting. Real-time insight into management and controlling processes with state-of-the-art business analytics. It works with more than 40, professional healthcare partners such as doctors, dentists, hospitals and pharmacies.

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Corporate benefits aok

Offer something for everyone with personal spending accounts to match any program design. Use self-serve employee enrolment to eliminate the stress and tedious tasks of benefits admin. Discover a wide range of cost-saving employee benefits.

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