Counter kayle

Kayle top on Patch Below is a detailed breakdown of Kayle top counters against top champions counter kayle a minimum of games, counter kayle. Kayle wins against Cassiopeia After normalising both champions win rates Kayle wins against Cassiopeia 6.

CounterStats provides valuable counter picking insights for League of Legends players. Play smart with our LoL champion counters. All Rights Reserved. No results found. Kayle Builds.

Counter kayle

Kayle is at her weakest in the early game. Try to abuse her weakness by playing aggressive and getting kills. Putting her behind in the early game will reduce her ability to carry later on in the game. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will force Kayle to overextend for farm. Once she walks up and tries to last hit, you could play aggressive and try to all-in her. She will be able to also poke you down and trade more effectively. Try to end the game as quickly as you can as the longer the game goes, the stronger Kayle becomes. Kayle will tend to be split pushing during the mid-game. You can use this time to force a team fight with the numbers advantage while she is pushing in a side lane. Kayle is rather vulnerable when her Ultimate R is on cooldown.

Take Ignite. Sejuani top guide by Zeffie Diamond Sejuani Player. Kayle wins against Aatrox

Kayle's attacks are empowered by the heavens as she levels up and spends skill points. Her wings are lit aflame as she progressively gains Attack Speed, Movement Speed, Attack Range, and waves of fire on her attacks. Kayle conjures a portal, summoning a celestial sword that pierces through enemies, slowing, damaging, and reducing the resistances of all hit. Passive: Kayle's celestial sword, Virtue, deals bonus magic damage to enemies she attacks. Active: Kayle's next attack smites her target with celestial fire, dealing bonus damage proportionate to their missing health.

Kayle top on Patch Below is a detailed breakdown of Kayle top counters against top champions with a minimum of games. Kayle wins against Xin Zhao After normalising both champions win rates Kayle wins against Xin Zhao The average opponent winrate against Xin Zhaois

Counter kayle

Kayle top on Patch Below is a detailed breakdown of Kayle top counters against top champions with a minimum of games. Kayle wins against Rengar

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She outscales you hard so the more advantage you build early the better spot you'll be in come mid game. Jayce the Defender of Tomorrow. Late game, just blow her team up, because her ult can only save 1 player. The average opponent winrate against Poppyis A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion. Deny her xp and farm by zoning. Maokai the Twisted Treant. Kayn the Shadow Reaper. Look for mis-spaces in lane, she takes lots of damage if you can get on her. Rell Top Build - [ After normalising both champions win rates Kayle wins against Pantheon 1. Pantheon the Unbreakable Spear. Outdated by AmericanNut Pantheon Player. Get a cheater recall or bait a recall so she pushes wave into your jungler ganking while you hide on bush.

CounterStats provides valuable counter picking insights for League of Legends players.

Top Singed Guide- How to poison enemies correctly [ At the late game, you may hard lose unless there is a team diff. Make sure to poke or even cheese her so she cannot farm at all, try to deny some XP so you can get Level 6 before her, if you've done that, then you can farm free kills by slowing her always with your ultimate and using your E to stun her. Rush Boots of Swiftness. The average opponent winrate against Dariusis Not sure if it is a bug but you can keep autoattacking Kayle during her ult invincibility and recieve your passive healing! Kayle is at her weakest in the early game. She can't poke you because of the minions aggro, can't do anything pre 6 either. Match her in sidelane at all points of game to keep her behind. Otherwise, wait out her ult and use yours after.

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