counterpick teemo

Counterpick teemo

Teemo lacks wave clear and will struggle to clear waves in the early game.

Teemo top on Patch Below is a detailed breakdown of Teemo top counters against top champions with a minimum of games. Teemo wins against Naafiri After normalising both champions win rates Teemo wins against Naafiri 7. The average opponent winrate against Naafiriis Teemo wins against Karma After normalising both champions win rates Teemo wins against Karma 6.

Counterpick teemo

No results found. Teemo Builds. Hide Top Lane Top Lane A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion. Best Picks Against Teemo. Worst Picks Against Teemo. Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. His mushrooms dont travel to death realm. Can poke you out so take TP. Don't go for 3aa w q earlygame tho, you know why. If you hit a q or two post 6 you can w flash him and go for the kill, but his poke and shroom damage can be very annoying. Go comet and an early hollow radiance to make lane easier, you outscale in teamfights, but 1v1 he will always be able to poke you while dodging q. Buy sweeper.

First of all, the render the grasp build useless muda since you cannot trade correctly against them. The main counterpick teemo why Teemo can be good is because he can block your auto-attacks with her Q, counterpick teemo. Second wind dorans shield is a MUST.

Blue vs. Duos Best champions Popular Augments. Contact - Privacy - TOS - - -. Teemo Top. Summoner Spells. Jungle Paths. All Roles.

Blue vs. Duos Best champions Popular Augments. Contact - Privacy - TOS - - -. Teemo Top. Summoner Spells. Jungle Paths.

Counterpick teemo

Teemo lacks wave clear and will struggle to clear waves in the early game. If you can keep him pushed in, you may be able to get things done elsewhere on the map. Try and not pick a melee champion into him. He may instead be split pushing and trying to take objectives in the side lanes. Make sure someone is able to stop him from splitting. Teemo will place Mushrooms R around objectives and in high traffic areas. Avoid going anywhere that Teemo has recently been in without a Sweeping Lens. He and his teammates may be ready and waiting and try and pounce on you. As Teemo will be split pushing or away from his team during fights, you could use the numbers advantage to force a fight 4v4 or 5v4.

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If the game goes well in other lanes, you'll definitely outscale him. After level 6, if you have your passive or you can acquire it while jumping on him, q a minion close to him and ult him, Q and land your E and avoid autoing him and run with him if he has blinded you. Patch All ranged matchups are rough, but he also gets movespeed, and a blind for your knockup. Considera comprar lente revelador para sus hongos. Make sure you get sweeper so you dont step on his shrooms. If you see him waste his "Q" go trade him. Furthermore Teemo can statcheck Garen early, making early all-ins unfeasible. Quinn Top. Gwen Top. Parry q if possible, or an auto attack and all in with ignite. You should be focusing on last hitting farm and poking Teemo with Q. Plus, his poison darts can whittle down your health, so be careful not to step into a trap! The average opponent winrate against Dariusis

Taking a melee-based champion into the lane against the Swift Scout will result in an uphill battle due to his ability to slowly wear down his enemy through the effects of Toxic Shot. Teemo can also counter any damage from basic attacks by activating Blinding Dart. While he is powerful, like all champions Teemo has counters that have the tools to defeat the Yordle in the lane.

If you get voltaic you can all in him. Your damage comes mainly from abilities, which Teemo's blind is useless against. Let him push the wave into you as much as possible, because you can't do anything until at least level 6. Aurelion Sol The Star Forger. You outdamage him but be careful if you dont know his location as he can ambush you with bonus AS from his passive. The average opponent winrate against Smolderis After that, upgrade to red trinked and you will be able to clear his mushrooms easily with your W. You max q and play it safe. Conqueror is a MUST in order to beat his face him, as if he manages to hit you with a mushroom during the all in you die anyway. Once then, run towards Teemo, hit a Q, and run him down. Teemo Top.

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