Counters orianna

Orianna middle on Patch Below is a detailed breakdown of Orianna middle counters against middle champions with a minimum of counters orianna. Orianna wins against Diana

Blue vs. Duos Best champions Popular Augments. Contact - Privacy - TOS - - -. Orianna Mid. Summoner Spells.

Counters orianna

CounterStats provides valuable counter picking insights for League of Legends players. Play smart with our LoL champion counters. All Rights Reserved. No results found. Orianna Builds. Hide Mid Lane Mid Lane A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion. Best Picks Against Orianna. Worst Picks Against Orianna. Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages.

Orianna counters orianna against Syndra Remember to stay in creep waves so when she uses her abilities she shoves the wave in as well.

Orianna's Attacks deal additional magic damage. This damage increases the more Orianna Attacks the same target. Orianna commands her Ball to fire toward a target location, dealing magic damage to targets along the way deals less damage to subsequent targets. Her Ball remains at the target location after. Orianna commands her Ball to release a pulse of energy, dealing magic damage around it.

Last Breath can be cast on any target that is knocked Airborne, even by one of your allies. Dash through a minion to have Sweeping Blade available to chase your opponent should they flee; Dash directly to your opponent to preserve a minion as your escape route. Orianna can only affect the area the Ball is around. Use this to your advantage. Watch out for Orianna's Ball returning to her due to leashing. This may cause some unexpected situations. The stat comparisons provided here emphasize several significant Yasuo vs.

Counters orianna

The greatest picks outside of lane to counter Orianna include Kalista, Ezreal, and Sivir. Even if these Orianna counter picks are not picked in your lane, it's not smart to take her into one of these matchups. They will often destroy Orianna. Try to force out Command: Protect on Orianna herself instead of the enemy team's carry. Burst down Orianna during ganks to make sure she can't turn the fight around. Orianna counters homogenous teams. If her opponents all have to engage from similar range, her Ult can hit them all at the same time. Don't stand together or she will be able to deal massive damage with her combo.

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She also has fairly high damage. Dont risk too much a good Orianna is always able to beat you in a 1vs1. Because I can! Seraphine the Starry-Eyed Songstress. If you're watching the ball closely, you can avoid her skills pretty well. An all in will most likely kill her if she is below half health if you don't miss everything. Rush Wit's End. Patch 8. Mundo the Madman of Zaun. She outranges you and will zone you so aim to just last hit and keep spamming q for sustain. Vladimir guide patch She can kill you.

Orianna middle on Patch Below is a detailed breakdown of Orianna middle counters against middle champions with a minimum of games. Orianna wins against Diana

Remember to take double MR runes. Arrow go zoom by cookanarities Kindred Player. If the wave pushes into her turret she will more than likely wait for a gank and just ult then slow you so that you die quickly. Elise the Spider Queen. Get sorrcs on ur first back. Kassadin the Void Walker. Call for jungler help to secure a kill on her. Orianna wins against Corki She deals a lot of damage with basic attacks in extended fights and has lower cooldowns. Just try to outlast her poke until she has no mana, and you can engage. If you choose to play the laning phase for scale, you must try to impact the map before the midgame. After normalising both champions win rates Orianna wins against Lissandra 5. Shes definitely one of the trickier champions to trade with but as long as you land your W I'll keep repeating this :D you should be fine. Fizz basics for friends by Miandros Fizz Player.

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