Craigslist boulder
The large, stuffed bear was stolen from outside the outdoor gear store sometime Tuesday evening, craigslist boulder. There were no witnesses to the abduction and there were no leads in the case until the store was tipped off to a Craigslist ad on Thursday in the "missed connections" section. After the receiving the tip, Boulder police viewed the Craigslist ad, showing a photo of a man hugging the bear outside the Montbell store, craigslist boulder. The ad craigslist boulder the women who "may or may not have helped" steal the bear to contact the poster.
The Craigslist post said free, and it said everything. The list includes the lawnmower and garden hose that belonged to the landlord of the home at Evergreen St. According to a police report on the incident, Elaan Brudno, who lived at the home, wanted to give away a number of items, as she and her roommates all were moving out. She posted the ad on Craigslist, with an 8 a. Boulder police are not treating the incident as a criminal matter, and the report was taken for documentation purposes only.
Craigslist boulder
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Is your furnace not working correctly as winter approaches? Spacious 2 bedrooms 1 bathroom apartment. By Erica Meltzer. Apply soon if After the receiving the tip, Boulder police viewed the Craigslist ad, showing a photo of a man hugging the bear outside the Montbell store. Watch the sunrise from your front porch, and at night hear the symphony of the coyotes and the crickets. Operations and Accounting Specialist. Small room in sq ft house. She posted the ad on Craigslist, with an 8 a. Please enter email address to continue. Vacation Rentals in Boulder, CO Featured Local Savings. Boulder-Whittier neighborhood The ad asked the women who "may or may not have helped" steal the bear to contact the poster.
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