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Every day. Yeah, that is sad. Gophers women's hockey closes regular season with win over Minnesota Duluth.
Austin, Texas isn't cheap, but there are still plenty of free things to do in Austin if you know where to look! So if you love hunting for a deal and scoping out budget-friendly travel ideas, this post is for you. Austin is one of the most popular travel destinations for young people, and for good reason. It happens just before sunset, and you can view the Austin bats for free from the top of the Congress Ave bridge or below the bridge at the observation deck. Parking can be a bit tricky, so check out this guide to the Austin bats before you go to get all the details. It includes insider tips like the best places to eat near the bat bridge. While Austin definitely doesn't have mountains despite having a really famous spot called "Mount Bonnell" , Austin is on the edge of the Texas Hill Country, so there are some beautiful hikes that offer views for days. Pro tip: autumn is the very best time to go hiking in Austin. If you can manage to get out on a weekday morning when the most popular trails aren't quite so packed, you're golden!
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