Creatures of sonaria wiki
Creatures of Sonaria is a creature survival game in Roblox. Founded officially intheir flagship games Dragon Adventures and Creatures of Sonaria have attracted tens of millions of players.
The Spring Meadows Event has begun! Go check out its page for more information! There are currently creatures in Creatures of Sonaria! Creatures of Sonaria Wiki. Welcome Sonarian! Learn more about the CoS Wiki Staff team!
Creatures of sonaria wiki
Creatures of Sonaria Wiki. Dry Skin Permeable Skin.
Creatures of Sonaria is a survival experience created by Sonar Studios. Creatures of Sonaria is an open-world survival game where players morph, live, and survive as a creature settled on the world of Sonaria. Creatures of Sonaria utilizes similar mechanics from other survival Roblox experiences like Dinosaur Simulator, featuring survival needs like hunger, thirst, stamina, etc. The world harbours 20 unique biomes and areas. Creatures of Sonaria features environment system, characterized by seasons, weather, and natural disasters. There are 7 seasons, each respectively will affect the spawn of vegetation, effects on players, etc. Creatures of Sonaria also features a trading system where players can exchange creatures and Shooms The game's main currency with each other. Creatures can be obtained through the game's Gacha system, or by purchasing them with Robux or in the Rotation Store.
Creatures of sonaria wiki
Aereis are small, slender herbivores with a primarily monochrome color range. The common Aereis is either white, brown, tan, grey, or black. A majority of Aereis have contrasting primary and secondary colors, the most common being white and black. Alongside their contrasting colors, Aereis have bright markings lining their bodies and limbs, giving them a strange, angelic appearance when combined with their multiple sets of faux wings. Aereis are notorious for their ichor, which grants their meat an intriguing flavor. Intelligent, Aeries prefer a close-knit flock over being solitary. Once an Aereis has rooted itself in a group, it will only spend time with its flock, taking its friends wherever plants go for quick meals. A group of Aereis are defensive in their own territory, but flee when danger strikes on a food run. Aeries bond easily with one another, albeit not with other herbivores. If other herbivores are spotted near food, Aereis will distance themselves as much as possible before eating comfortably.
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Note: Feel free to contact Staff at any time! Aquatics Aqua-Gliders. Creatures of Sonaria is a creature survival game in Roblox. About Creatures. Game Info. Browse the full list of Creatures. Sign In Register. Game Info. There are currently creatures in Creatures of Sonaria! Join players in Discussion! Start a Wiki. Dry Skin Permeable Skin. Explore the Map.
Creatures of Sonaria Wiki. Welcome Sonarian!
Founder: NauticaElurra. Skyquatics All-Terrain Recode. Creatures of Sonaria Wiki. Join the team! Creatures of Sonaria Wiki Explore. Note: Feel free to contact Staff at any time! About Creatures. View history Talk 3. About Creatures. Creatures of Sonaria Wiki.
And still variants?