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Match starts in 3 hrs 35 mins.
Search for matches using team names or abbreviations, match types and titles, ground name, dates, seasons, years, series and tournament names. To help make this website better, to improve and personalize your experience and for advertising purposes, are you happy to accept cookies and other technologies. ESPN Cricinfo. Fixtures and Results. Mar , - 2nd Test at Hagley Oval, Christchurch.
Cricinfo full score
Match starts in 3 hrs 35 mins. Bangladesh won by 4 wickets with 58 balls remaining. RCB Women won by 8 wickets with 3 balls remaining. Day 3 - Auckland lead by runs. Wellington won by an innings and 42 runs. Day 3 - Northern Dis lead by 72 runs. Zimbabwe won by 4 wickets with 21 balls remaining. Nigeria need 39 runs in 25 balls. Match starts in 50 mins. Match starts in 1 hr 20 mins. Australia won by 6 wickets with 42 balls remaining. Tournament finishes as the most watched at venues and on TV and digital platforms. India offspinner also raises concerns over the quality of the white Kookaburra ball used for bilateral series and IPL, as compared to the ones used in ICC events.
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Match starts in 3 hrs 36 mins. Bangladesh won by 4 wickets with 58 balls remaining. RCB Women won by 8 wickets with 3 balls remaining. Day 3 - Auckland lead by runs. Wellington won by an innings and 42 runs.
Warriors v W Province at Gqeberha - Mar 21, Become a Trader! The Nightwatchman - order the new issue now. Issue 17 of the Wisden cricket quarterly is a special edition celebrating The Oval. It is available in both print and e-book formats and available for world-wide shipping. Yuvraj Samant : The empty streets make for a perfect Sunday morning in Jaipur. Andrew Walton : A relaxing day at the beach? Not for this close-in fielder at Whitehaven Beach, Queensland.
Cricinfo full score
Match starts in 3 hrs 43 mins. Day 1 - Session 3: Bangladesh chose to field. Western Australia. Day 2 - Tasmania trail by runs. Day 2 - Colombo trail by runs. Day 2 - Kandy lead by 87 runs. ENG Women won by 15 runs.
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Mar 17, - 6th Match at Kowloon Cricket Club. Fall of wickets: Anamul Haque, 8. Chris Gaffaney. Australia tour of New Zealand. DC Women won by 29 runs. Namibia Women. ENG-A Women won by 30 runs. Mumbai won by runs. Lumbini won by 7 wickets with 23 balls remaining. No result. Kuwait won by 7 wickets with 51 balls remaining. Mar 16, - Final at Baijnathapur ground, Biratnagar. Marizanne Kapp: 'I try to keep it simple.
Match starts in 3 hrs 39 mins.
S Africa W won by 4 wickets with 31 balls remaining. Concussion sub: Tanzid Hasan. Lumbini won by 7 wickets with 16 balls remaining. In-play betting with bet Dolphins won by 4 wickets with 5 balls remaining. Report Photos Videos. Reserve Umpire. Australia innings Powerplay 1: Overs 0. Instant answers to T20 questions. Short and outside off, jags further away.
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