Ct judicial branch
The Connecticut Judicial Branch website provides public access to Supreme Court and Appellate Court opinions both as advance release opinions and as officially published in the Connecticut Law Journal.
In , the General Court established the Particular Court often called the "Quartet Court" because it was required to meet every three months. While the General Court, later called the General Assembly, controlled the administration of justice, the Particular Court was the principal judicial body until the union of the New Haven and Connecticut colonies and the granting of the Charter from Charles II in In , with the new Charter, the Particular Court was abolished and two new levels of courts were established: the Court of Assistants in , and the county courts one year later. Separate probate courts were established in to handle such matters as wills and estates. The Court of Assistants was abolished in
Ct judicial branch
The Superior Court hears civil , criminal , family and juvenile matters. Criminal Division hears cases where the state is prosecuting a person the defendant who is accused of breaking the law. The state is represented by a state's attorney. There are three kinds of criminal cases, depending on the severity of the offense:. All criminal cases but the most serious ones are heard in geographical area courts around the state. Family Division hears cases involving juveniles and family relationships. Typical cases include divorce, child custody, child support, relief from abuse temporary restraining orders , juvenile delinquency, child abuse and neglect, and termination of parental rights. Most family cases are heard in judicial district courthouses. Cases involving juveniles are heard in juvenile court facilities described below. Juvenile Matters is a special subdivision of Superior Court designed to protect the rights of children, family relationships and confidentiality. There are twelve Juvenile Courts state-wide. All records of juvenile matters are confidential. All juvenile matters cases either involve care of the minor child or the child's behavior.
Circuit Court judges were elevated to the Court of Common Pleas.
Select Language English Polski. Welcome to the Connecticut Judicial Branch The mission of the Connecticut Judicial Branch is to serve the interests of justice and the public by resolving matters brought before it in a fair, timely, efficient and open manner. Supreme Court Learn More. Appellate Court Learn More. Superior Court Learn More. Probate Court Learn More. Latest News, Notices and Updates. March 7,
Ct judicial branch
These comments can be in the form of commendations or concerns. The overall intent of the accreditation process is to provide the participating agency with information to support continuous improvement, as well as foster the pursuit of professional excellence. Note that Case Initiation for habeas matters will continue to be filed on paper with the appropriate clerk's office. The case initiation documents will be scanned by the clerk's office, and a paperless, electronic file will be created. Documents subsequent to Case Initiation will be e-filable. As with most other civil case types, E-filing in e-filable Habeas cases is mandatory for attorneys and law firms unless granted an exclusion from electronic services requirements and optional for self-represented parties. Documents subsequent to case initiation must be filed electronically by attorneys via Superior Court E-Services subject to exceptions as outlined in the E-Filing Procedures and Technical Standards document. A judicial notice delivered to the E-Services Inbox will notify all counsel and appearing parties that such documents are available online.
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Creation of an Independent Judiciary During the period between the Revolutionary War and the adoption of the Connecticut Constitution in , significant developments in the direction of creating an independent judiciary took place. In , Connecticut's first juvenile courts were established in several towns, and in , a state-wide Juvenile Court came into existence. The Superior Court hears civil , criminal , family and juvenile matters. In , the first Connecticut Constitution was adopted, setting forth the doctrine of separation of powers and establishing the three separate branches of government. Separate probate courts were established in to handle such matters as wills and estates. Divisions of Superior Court Quick Links. All records of juvenile matters are confidential. When the General Assembly abolished county government in , the municipal courts and trial justice system were replaced by a state-wide Circuit Court. As the volume of cases continued to increase, however, the General Assembly found it necessary to create a series of Courts of Common Pleas. There are twelve Juvenile Courts state-wide. Juvenile Matters is a special subdivision of Superior Court designed to protect the rights of children, family relationships and confidentiality. In , the General Assembly enacted legislation to establish a single Court of Common Pleas for the entire state with judges subject to periodic reassignment on a statewide basis. The Court of Assistants was abolished in
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The Superior Court hears civil , criminal , family and juvenile matters. You can download the free program here. Justices of the Peace Justices of the Peace have played a vital part in the judicial system, beginning in In , Connecticut's first juvenile courts were established in several towns, and in , a state-wide Juvenile Court came into existence. Criminal Division hears cases where the state is prosecuting a person the defendant who is accused of breaking the law. This consolidation was followed four years later by the merger of the Court of Common Pleas and Juvenile Court with the Superior Court on July 1, When the General Assembly abolished county government in , the municipal courts and trial justice system were replaced by a state-wide Circuit Court. Typical cases include divorce, child custody, child support, relief from abuse temporary restraining orders , juvenile delinquency, child abuse and neglect, and termination of parental rights. Justices of the peace presided over these courts. Cases in juvenile court include: termination of parental rights; emancipation of a minor; delinquency; neglected or uncared for children and youth; families with service needs FWSN. Separate probate courts were established in to handle such matters as wills and estates. The mission of the Connecticut Judicial Branch is to serve the interests of justice and the public by resolving matters brought before it in a fair, timely, efficient and open manner.
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