Cv osakidetza
J Appl Biomech.
Primary healthcare provides a unique opportunity for clinical research at the population level, in the real world, focused on the promotion of health and primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of the chronic illnesses that are most common and which have the most effect on health, including cancer, cardiovascular diseases and mental disorders. The research groups in this area design and evaluate innovative interventions to address the main determinants of health, including lifestyle nutrition, physical activity, smoking, alcohol use and other risk factors associated with these illnesses hypertension, dyslipidaemia, diabetes, obesity, stress. This fully complements work in the main research areas, which are organised by disease. Beyond the physiopathological processes underlying illness, primary care researchers focus on how to improve the quality of life of patients, their adaptive capacity, their self-care ability, and in such cases, the quality of their death. Rather than investigating particular diseases, primary care research analyses people, who increasingly have multiple health problems. Unlike the traditional biomedical approach, primary care professionals consider the bio-psycho-social model of care and new models for integrated and community care.
Cv osakidetza
Unlike the traditional biomedical approach, primary care professionals consider the bio-psycho-social model of care and new models for integrated cv osakidetza community care.
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Cv osakidetza
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Evaluation of a five-layer hydrocellular polyurethane foam dressing across wound care settings in southern Europe. BMC Oral Health. Aten Prim. Jmir Formative Research. The research groups in this area design and evaluate innovative interventions to address the main determinants of health, including lifestyle nutrition, physical activity, smoking, alcohol use and other risk factors associated with these illnesses hypertension, dyslipidaemia, diabetes, obesity, stress. Residents' perceptions of their local food environment in socioeconomically diverse neighborhoods: A photovoice study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. Jon Irazusta Astiazaran, Dra. Development and evaluation of the psychometric properties of a digital questionnaire for the self-management of health and well-being in the postpartum period. Few-Shot Learning approach for plant disease classification using images taken in the field. Sperm Aminopeptidase N as a predictive biomarker of blastocyst development and embryo viability. Relationship between negative stereotypes toward aging and multidimensional variables in older people living in two different social environments.
This area also provides unique opportunities for pharmacoepidemiological studies in the real word and promotion of the rational use of medicines. Development and validation of a weight estimation tool for paediatric emergency care. The research groups in this area design and evaluate innovative interventions to address the main determinants of health, including lifestyle nutrition, physical activity, smoking, alcohol use and other risk factors associated with these illnesses hypertension, dyslipidaemia, diabetes, obesity, stress. Publicaciones del grupo. Effects of a videoconference-based therapeutic exercise intervention on the musculoskeletal pain of eldercare workers: protocol for the ReViEEW randomized controlled trial. Single tooth restoration in the maxillary esthetic zone using a one-piece ceramic implant with 1 year of follow-up: case series vol 7, 26, Few-Shot Learning approach for plant disease classification using images taken in the field. Correlates of eating behaviors in adolescence: a systematic review of qualitative studies. Differences between Spain's autonomous communities in the availability of semi-automatic external defibrillators outside the healthcare setting. BMC Musculoskelet Disord.
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