czech girl names starting with m

Czech girl names starting with m

Czech Baby Names. Czech Boy Names. Czech Girl Names.

Adriana born in Hadria. Alena light. Alexandra defender of men. Alice noble cheer, or, noble maiden. Andrea brave, daring. Aneta grace, compassion; prayers. Angelika messenger.

Czech girl names starting with m

Expecting a baby is just the beginning of expecting some of life's most precious moments. Looking for the perfect Czech baby name? At TheParentZ. This is a complete collection of all Czech Baby Names for Girls starting with M , covering traditional or modern or religious, modern, trendy, popular, cute, short and sweet and easy to pronounce Czech baby Girl names to help you make the right choice! All Czech baby Girl names can be viewed alphabetically with their meanings and can be further filtered with various options. You can also click on the baby name to know more about that particular baby name with meanings. Now you can add this or any baby name on TheParentZ. Our largest baby name lists database is the best place for you to keep track of your favourite names. To finalize the name of your baby, Save all your selected favourite names at one place. You can also share the list with your family and friends. Click on the heart next to baby names to add name to your favourite list.

Svatava holy river.


Illustration: MomJunction Design Team. Czech baby girl names hold an enchanting charm and sound unique and beautiful. These names have been gradually gaining notability in the West as the world slowly immerses with the advancement of technology. The Czech Republic is a country in central Europe greatly influenced by its surrounding regions since it is landlocked. Though the native language spoken by the nation's inhabitants possesses Celtic and Proto-Slavic roots, many of the words used today have been influenced by English and Popular Culture. The Czech Republic has pristine and awe-inspiring landscapes, and the people of the land are equally fascinating. The Czech Republic is believed to be the land where the idea of robots and robotics first came to life. In Czech culture, the names are typically composed of two elements, the given name and the surname, although some people may choose more than one first name.

Czech girl names starting with m

Home Baby Names. By Nameberry. Share Copy link. Czech names for baby girls have a romantic Eastern European feel. Girls' names commonly used in the Czech Republic may be familiar as distinctively Czech variations of traditional female names used throughout Europe in different variations. You may be interested in Czech names due to your family background or perhaps you've enjoyed a visit to Prague and the lovely Czech countryside.


Emma carer, happy. Barbora stranger. Click a name to add to your Czech baby list. Czech Girl Names. Denisa devine child. Add baby names to your favourite list. Brigita strong. Radmilla happy, joyful. Vendula more famous. Zdislava celebrating her work. Czech Boy Names with M. Eva live, life-giwing. We could not find a translation of your name.

Jitka — Jitka is a Czech female name that means He will be praised or God will be praised.

Cute Czech Baby Names. Stanislava became famous. This information is developed to primarily serve as a reference. This vast database of Czech names has been compiled from various references and suggestions provided by our web site users and resources partners. The first name you choose should match your last name. Radana happy. Berta brilliant, bright. Pavla little. Bohumila beloved of God. Origin Select

3 thoughts on “Czech girl names starting with m

  1. Excuse, I can help nothing. But it is assured, that you will find the correct decision.

  2. I apologise, I can help nothing. I think, you will find the correct decision. Do not despair.

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