Daeron ii targaryen
He is known for peacefully bringing Dorne into the realm.
Daeron the Good is held up as one of the best Targaryen monarchs in the year dynasty by in-universe actors and the fandom alike. His commitment to just rule undoing the corruption of his father Aegon the Unworthy and ability to peacefully incorporate Dorne into the Seven Kingdoms hold him both in-universe and out as a great man, and a great king. Free from the warmongering of his more martial counterparts, Daeron the Good improved the lot of the people under his wing, and the Great Spring Sickness would cut down a king on the cusp of building a golden age the equal of Jaehaerys the Wise. Or so the conventional wisdom would teach us. Yet under Daeron the Good, Westeros faced the largest civil war of its time. While the Dance of the Dragons was arguably more destructive, no Westerosi war would involve as many houses as the First Blackfyre Rebellion, and five generations would see the Black Dragon pitted against the Red.
Daeron ii targaryen
King Baelor I arranged for his cousin Daeron to marry Princess Myriah Martell of Dorne as part of the peace arranged between the two kingdoms following Daeron I 's invasion, and Baelor the Blessed officiated at the wedding ceremony. Although a political marriage, Daeron appears to have fallen in love with his wife and become fascinated by Dornish ways, to the disquiet of his father. Three other sons followed. Daeron was already a grown man with children of his own when his parents had their youngest daughter, Daenerys , and when Aegon IV became king. Aegon IV was a decadent and dissolute ruler, and Daeron seems to have mostly avoided his father, preferring to spend time learning from maesters and septons , being schooled on other cultures or engaged in artistic pursuits, all of which his father considered womanly and weak. Aegon instead doted on his eldest bastard son, Daemon. Daeron does not appear to have been keen on dwelling on Dragonstone as the king's heir traditionally did, and instead was permitted to found a new castle at Summerhall , where he and his family often dwelt. Late in Aegon IV's reign, it was whispered that Aegon IV had come to believe that Daeron was not his son, but the product of an illegitiate union between Naerys and their other brother, Aemon , and was planning to disinherit Daeron in favour of Daemon. In the event this did not happen, as Aegon fell ill and died suddenly, although he did legitimise four of his bastards on his deathbed. Daeron II's reign started with great promise, and soon he had repaired much of the damage done by his father's rule, including reforming the corrupt City Watch of King's Landing. He even paid for the wedding of Daemon and Rohanne of Tyrosh.
Regarding the comparison to the Red Wedding, recall that even the Northmen and Riverlords are not as quite as anarchychess as you make them daeron ii targaryen to be. Unlike the Dance of the Dragons, where there was one key point of contention who would succeed Viserys Ithere was no single sticking point for the First Blackfyre Rebellion, and this is key to understanding the Blackfyre cause as a whole, daeron ii targaryen. Also, no one is going to take something that happened to an aunt and grandfather as justifiable for being put in the doghouse.
King Baelor I arranged for his cousin Daeron to marry Princess Myriah Martell of Dorne as part of the peace arranged between the two kingdoms following Daeron I 's invasion, and Baelor the Blessed officiated at the wedding ceremony. Although a political marriage, Daeron appears to have fallen in love with his wife and become fascinated by Dornish ways, to the disquiet of his father. Three other sons followed. Daeron was already a grown man with children of his own when his parents had their youngest daughter, Daenerys , and when Aegon IV became king. Aegon IV was a decadent and dissolute ruler, and Daeron seems to have mostly avoided his father, preferring to spend time learning from maesters and septons , being schooled on other cultures or engaged in artistic pursuits, all of which his father considered womanly and weak.
Daeron ii targaryen
Unlike its predecessor, House of the Dragon centers on a single family: the Targaryens. While there are already more than enough members of the Targaryen family, one, in particular, didn't make it into the inaugural season. Daeron, the youngest son of Viserys Paddy Considine and Alicent Hightower Olivia Cooke , is the only living Targaryen who hasn't been so much as name-dropped in the show. But he is acknowledged in two ways. Within the text of the show, he's alluded to once, in Episode 10, " The Black Queen ," when Daemon Matt Smith references the four dragons belonging to the Greens , one for Daeron and each of his siblings. Presumably, as the youngest, Daeron's dragon is the one not counted as an adult earlier in that conversation. But apart from being the unexplained fourth, he isn't present. Daeron was cut from the first season to avoid yet another young character who required recasting. But his addition in Season 2 is already assured.
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The major players wanted something from the king and felt slighted not getting it. Sure, Naerys-nursing is just an assumption but it seemed a compelling one to make for me. It was said that Daemon, although married with seven sons of his own, loved Daenerys and the thought of her marrying another was too much to bear. There are those who legitimately believed the rumors against Daeron. The idea that this makes him a cronyist like his father is to unfair because is clearly said to have been a reformer who ran a less corrupt government staffed with better people. Episode 5 6. The Reach however, saw no such favor, and neither did the Riverlands or the Westerlands, to say nothing of the North. Indeed, irrational entitlement and insatiable greed coupled with a stubborn unwillingness to compromise and a complete lack of gratitude seems to be a defining theme here: Fireball felt entitled to a Kingsguard spot, the Blackfyre lords felt entitled to court positions Fireball , lost lands Osgrey , higher social status Reynes, Freys and of course, Daemon felt entitled to a second wife and ultimately, the Iron Throne itself. As for not caring about good governance, culture, or peace, I say again we know nothing about these people or their attitudes on government. King is not expected to honour all minor houses of the Reach, Riverlands and Westerlands, is he? An excellent article! Unlike Daeron, they sacrificed nothing as a result of the treaty.
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Finally, I find it bizarre that you say that the reputation of Daeron II actually benefited by his coming after Aegon IV, one of the worst kings to sit the Iron Throne. Regarding the comparison to the Red Wedding, recall that even the Northmen and Riverlords are not as quite as principled as you make them out to be. After Viserys, that great champion of good governance, would die incredibly early in his reign, Aegon IV became King of the Seven Kingdoms. If Daeron ended the position though, why would Jaime remark that he had a Lord Confessor at all? This, along with the king's deathbed legitimization of Daemon Blackfyre, became a major justification for the First Blackfyre Rebellion. Looking at war as a purely reactionary move is too modernist a mindset to look at this. What would they do? Baelor Targaryen Deceased. This speaks to his character, or lack thereof in this case. Of course, the anti-Dornish constituency did have a fair amount of warmongering to them as well, well past the point of reasonable grudge.
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