Damaging synoym

Words related to harmful are not direct synonyms, but are associated with damaging synoym word harmful. Browse related words to learn more about word associations.

Words related to damaged are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word damaged. Browse related words to learn more about word associations. The computer model looked at property damage that Sandy caused along the Atlantic coast from Maine to North Carolina. Sister company Instagram is complaining very publicly about the damage the change will do to mobile advertisers and publishers. In exchange for this good fortune, they have an obligation to help the emerging economies of the world shift to sustainable development and increase their resilience to the climate damages. Giving steroids to people with moderate or mild cases might dampen the immune system too much, allowing the virus to do more damage.

Damaging synoym

English Dictionary. Word Lists. Grammar English Easy Learning Grammar. English Grammar in Spanish. Grammar Patterns. English Usage. Teaching Resources. Video Guides. Video Learn English. Video pronunciations. Build your vocabulary.

Strongest matches batter break burn contaminate harm hurt impair infect injure maim mangle mar pollute ravage ruin scorch smash tarnish tear undermine weaken wound wreck, damaging synoym.

Words related to damaging are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word damaging. Browse related words to learn more about word associations. As investors become more risk-averse, industry insiders expect that the funding slowdown to prove most damaging for young companies as venture capital likely tilts towards established startups with proven business models. Credit Suisse is struggling to move beyond one of the most damaging episodes in its recent history after it spied on star banker Iqbal Khan, who was leaving for rival UBS Group AG. Murthy had found compelling the argument that loneliness was increasing and that loneliness can be damaging, even physiologically damaging. It is the steady accretion of detail that may yet be the most damaging factor in the battle for British hearts and minds.

English Dictionary. Word Lists. Grammar English Easy Learning Grammar. Grammar Patterns. English Usage. Teaching Resources.

Damaging synoym

English Dictionary. Word Lists. Grammar English Easy Learning Grammar. English Grammar in Spanish. Grammar Patterns. English Usage. Teaching Resources. Video Guides. Video Learn English. Video pronunciations.

Probability and statistics for engineers and scientists

Thesaurus Entries Near damage. French to English. The words impair and damage are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Strong matches adulteration adversity affliction bane blemish breakage debasement depreciation deprivation detriment disservice evil hurt infliction knockout marring mischief mishap mutilation outrage ravage reverse ruin ruining spoilage stroke waste wreckage wrecking wrong. Pronunciation Guide. English synonyms. Read our series of blogs to find out more. Never grasp a Fern plant from above and try to pull it away, as this will be almost sure to result in damage. Read about the team of authors behind Collins Dictionaries. However, hurt implies inflicting a wound to the body or to the feelings. Hindi English to Hindi. Synonyms Antonyms. Simplified to English. Homophones, Homographs, and Homonyms. Browse related words to learn more about word associations.

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Primary School. He lambasts the case as without evidence, an unfair trial, and damaging for the American reputation. View definitions for harmful harmful. English Usage. French to English. Browse related words to learn more about word associations. Britannica English: Translation of damage for Arabic Speakers. Video Guides. February 13, Read more. Japanese English to Japanese. Get Word of the Day daily email! Nglish: Translation of damage for Spanish Speakers. Build your vocabulary. Synonyms Antonyms. You're: How to Use Them Correctly.

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