danis house actors

Danis house actors

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Sign In. Sebastian Applewhite Max 65 episodes, James Gandhi Ben 65 episodes, Darragh Mortell Jack 52 episodes, Klariza Clayton Sam 49 episodes,

Danis house actors

It first aired on BBC1 on 26 September The series aired on CBBC from , spanning 5 series. Dani Harmer plays the lead role of Dani , a18 -year-old actress continually left in charge of her annoying younger brother Max , his none-too-bright sidekick Ben and their youngest sibling, "the baby from hell" only used in series 1. As she cannot go out with her friends, Toby later replaced by Jack and Sam , the trio end up spending most of their time in Dani's house in a den hang-out. From the second series Jack , is introduced and replaces Toby as a regular character and best friend of Dani. The house that was used in series one is not used in series two, due to the fact that Dani's family moved house in the final episode. The baby from hell from series one is not seen or mentioned in the second series and is supposedly replaced by the "cat from hell" who frequently comes into various episodes of the second series. The changes in series two occur in series three too and even series four. This series sees Dani get a part in fictional soap opera 'McHurties Hospital', references to this are made throughout the series. Sam trains to be an astronaut and eventually leaves in episode 8, going on to become a scientist and space-explorer for NASA. Like series 3, the 'cat from hell' is not seen nor mentioned in this series. This series follows the events of Series 4, as Dani and her friends getting up to mischief- Thanks to Maisy and Megaboyd. This series also sees, Ruby's fear of rabbits, Megaboyd and Maisy assembling a multi-Gym- With no instructions, Dani getting a present for Alex, and Dani's 21st birthday.

He also helps Dani get through the hard times.

She soon finds out what hides in the castle, and meets a lot of new people, including resident ghosts who died over years ago. The series features a cast of characters from relatives of Dani to guest visits by some of the regular characters from Dani's House. Everyone who had not departed previously made their final appearances in "It's A Wonderful Afterlife" due to Series 3 being the final series. Dani, played by Dani Harmer first appeared in "The Castle". She has moved from her old house and finds out that her Aunt that she never knew had left her with a castle.

Sign In. Edit Dani's House — Series Directed by Dez McCarthy Max 65 episodes, James Gandhi Ben 65 episodes, Harry Culverhouse Jack 52 episodes, Klariza Clayton

Danis house actors

Danielle "Dani" portrayed by Dani Harmer is the titular character and main protagonist of Dani's House and its spin off show Dani's Castle for the first series. In the second series she only makes brief appearances and by series three she no longer appears. In Dani's House: Series 1 Dani is introduced as a year-old actress and singer who regularly has to look after her year-old brother Max , and 6 month old baby brother. Their parents are never shown in the series although their voices can be heard on several occasions. She regularly hangs out with her best friends, Sam and Toby. Max and his best friend, Ben constantly terrorise Dani and her friends although Dani and Max deep down care for each other. By the end of the episode Dani and Sam can see that Jack has matured and changed and the three of them become best friends. However Dani becomes friends with Ben near the end of series 4 when Max is frequently absent. This is shown when the two of them pair up to dance in Bollywood.

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The two kiss before her departure. Currently, all 5 series are available to stream on BBC iPlayer. Photos 9. Archived from the original on 14 December In "Treasure Hunt", it is revealed that she and Gabe died a few days before her eleventh birthday after catching the flu. James Gandhi Ben. As soon as she arrives in Bogmoor, Dani and Kait became best friends. Gough as Kieran Gough. In Series 3, Roxy was devastated after Diego was eaten by a cat. Gough Melon Jones 1 episode, She's frequently up to mischief with Leo. It first aired on BBC1 on 26 September Rufus Jones Adam Twittfield 1 episode, This series follows the events of Series 4, as Dani and her friends getting up to mischief- Thanks to Maisy and Megaboyd.

Dani inherits a castle in Northern Ireland from her deceased aunt and gets more than she expected.

Kait helps Dani out with anything she does and sometimes does a girly chat with her but she never actually got it when she first had it with Dani. He first appeared in "Rich". Phil Cornwell Edgar Molloy 1 episode, Recently viewed. Dani is a teenage actress and singer who is regularly left in charge of her younger brother Max, his friend Ben, and their youngest baby sibling, "the baby from hell" who is only shown in a cot. Sam trains to be an astronaut and eventually leaves in episode 8, going on to become a scientist and space-explorer for NASA. He dislikes loud music and Roxy's games and her annoyance. Sign In. Ruby, Dani's enthusiastic personal trainer, joins the cast, as well as Maisy, her prank-pulling younger sister, the latter of whom becomes a foil for Max. Leonie, played by Lucy Hutchinson , is a ghost from the s who loves pranking people. Jimmy, played by Kieran Alleyne, is one of Dani's cousins and a person that didn't know about the castle until he arrived. In "The Ghostel", Esme revealed that she only returned to say goodbye, she had decided that she belonged on the other side. Also, Dani revealed that she was never going to come home as she had decided to stay in Hollywood, therefore she gave her part of the castle to Kait. Eoghan Quigg Self 2 episodes,

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