dark maul star wars

Dark maul star wars

Darth Maullater known simply as Maulis a character in the Star Wars franchise. Star Wars creator George Lucas had intended for the resurrected Maul to serve as the main antagonist of the sequel film trilogybut these plans were abandoned when Disney acquired Lucasfilm dark maul star wars

A deadly, agile Sith Lord trained by the evil Darth Sidious, Darth Maul was a formidable warrior and scheming mastermind. He wielded an intimidating double-bladed lightsaber and fought with a menacing ferocity. Though he fell in battle against Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Zabrak from Dathomir would prove to be much harder to destroy than originally believed. Darth Maul longed for revenge against the Jedi. He was finally unleashed by his Master, Darth Sidious , in an assassination attempt on Queen Amidala on the outskirts of Tatooine. The Sith fought with blinding speed and impressive agility, and stabbed Jinn through with his red double-bladed lightsaber ; he would prove unable to best Obi-Wan, however. The young Jedi, in a surprising move, cut Maul in two and sent him tumbling down the planet core, seemingly destroyed.

Dark maul star wars

Issue 1, written by Benjamin Percy and illustrated by Stefano Raffaele, arrives April 25, and finds Darth Maul dispatched by Palpatine to investigate a prison ship that goes offline. The vessel, however, is transporting a group known as the Final Occultation, and horrors await. Benjamin Percy: I've been a lifelong, obsessive fan of the Star Wars galaxy — it's such a foundational part of my imagination — and it's a thrill to be able to contribute to it now. My mind is busy with nightmares, so it's especially a treat to step into the mind of Darth Maul, one of the great villains of this galaxy far, far away. The silent assassin has a busy inner world. He is loyal to Palpatine, but that does not make him a puppet or a tool. He is willing to make his own decisions — ones that could shake the very fabric of the galaxy — as is the case in this chiller and thriller of a story, "The Final Occultation. If Palpatine is worried about them, that's saying something. Benjamin Percy: Palpatine believes in order, control — whereas the Final Occultation believes in chaos. They both channel the dark side, but with different intents. When you meet this cult, you'll know that most could not withstand their violence and dark intents How have you enjoyed writing him here?

The name "Plagueis" entered his mind before he woke up in the medbay. The king, after contracting with an offworld mining company to survey the Gungan areas to tap into their plasma dark maul star wars, and after abdicating the throne to Amidala, had died under very mysterious circumstances.

To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! Lucasfilm has not established a cohesive timeline regarding this subject. Editor discretion is advised. Please help Wookieepedia by editing this article. Once you have fixed an issue, you may remove it from the list of issues. See this article's talk page for more information.

A deadly, agile Sith Lord trained by the evil Darth Sidious, Darth Maul was a formidable warrior and scheming mastermind. He wielded an intimidating double-bladed lightsaber and fought with a menacing ferocity. Though he fell in battle against Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Zabrak from Dathomir would prove to be much harder to destroy than originally believed. Darth Maul longed for revenge against the Jedi. He was finally unleashed by his Master, Darth Sidious , in an assassination attempt on Queen Amidala on the outskirts of Tatooine. The Sith fought with blinding speed and impressive agility, and stabbed Jinn through with his red double-bladed lightsaber ; he would prove unable to best Obi-Wan, however.

Dark maul star wars

Studying Skywalkers is an exclusive column that investigates the characters, themes, and lessons of Star Wars from an educational, literary perspective. It is a fascinating examination of a mythological construct that explores the path of the hero: overcoming obstacles both from outside, as well as within to emerge a better version of him or herself. But what about the villains? A good villain subverts the natural order of things and threatens the status quo.

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Later, when Sidious reported Maul's success as well as his near-blunder to Darth Plagueis, the elder Sith Lord expressed what the Zabrak assassin said did not matter; Alexi Garyn and his Vigos were dead, leaving Black Sun in chaos. With the apparent defeat of the Gungans, Naboo was firmly under Trade Federation control. August 10, Maul completes this task, but learns that the traitor had recorded proof of the Sith's manipulation of the Naboo blockade on a holocron to sell for profit. He added that Sidious should hold the assassin back, so that he may feed on his anger and hate. She appeared to him from afar in a cloud of smoke and he informed her of his escape from prison and defeat on Zanbar. As Maul reached the fortress, two sentries spotted him and fired at him. However, a faction of Death Watch, led by Bo-Katan Kryze , refuse to accept an outsider as their leader, and escape to plan a coup. Maul and the bounty hunters then traveled in the Haddrex Gang's ship to a space station in the Drazkel system to attend the auction. Kenobi later escaped with the help of Bo-Katan, who revealed herself to be the Duchess's sister.

Lucasfilm has not established a cohesive timeline regarding this subject. Editor discretion is advised. Please help Wookieepedia by editing this article.

At the academy's barracks, Kilindi and another cadet, Daleen , told him that Kracko was looking for him and was now on Orsis Orbital Station. Maul appeared in an apparition and convinced Ezra to travel into the desert. What Maul did not know was that Skywalker, the young boy who was destined to be the Chosen One , would one day all but destroy the Jedi and become a Sith Lord himself. Peter Serafinowicz [a] Sam Witwer [b] Other:. As the Eighth Brother attempted to escape using his weapon, it malfunctioned, and the Inquisitor fell to his death below. Despite a traumatic childhood, Maul had filial feelings toward his master, and never once contemplated killing him—until his final test. Under Sidious's tutelage, Maul trained as a Sith apprentice, [2] Sith warrior , [24] and Sith assassin , [25] eventually being given the title "Darth Maul. A bloody Hela-Tan, armless, hanging from the ramp, his body shredded from Maul's lightsaber cuts and wedged in the ship-hatch door, succeeded in wounding Maul's leg before he expired from lack of oxygen. Maul could not believe that his assailant had been able to conceal himself from him. Sidious came to Mandalore where he declared the Zabrak brothers to be his rivals. He plunged from the cliff had positioned himself on and revved Bloodfin through Ralltiir's waters. Realizing that they possessed a common goal and a common enemy, Maul proposed an alliance between the brothers and Death Watch, claiming that it was the will of the Force. Main article: Star Wars Kid. King Veruna had planned to use the Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps with its sleek, cutting-edge N-1 Starfighter to not only fight the Gungans, but also to later attack the Trade Federation, as he'd done earlier , perhaps also—Maul was compelled to wonder—against Damask himself i.

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