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Words of Tohkaku Wada : medical heritage in Japan. PubMed Central. The origins of Japan's medical ideas, which are deeply rooted in its religion, culture and history, are not widely understood in medical societies of other countries. We have taken up the task of summarising this tradition here so that some insight can be gained into the unique issues that characterise the practice of medicine in Japan. We borrow from the sayings of Tohkaku Wada , a medical philosopher of late eighteenth-century Japan, for a look at Japanese medical tradition.
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As the main research method was used theoretical analysis of the literature.
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Sociální gerontologie. In , another copy of Sugiyama Shindenryu was found by Doueki Ogura in his personal library and is known as the "Ogura Zou Bon" text. Subjective Approach in Adult Development Psychology. Connectivity- preserving scattering of mobile robots with limited visibility. Waldemar Kazanecki Czarne chmury. Jak uvádí Kalvach , s. The fMRI was successful in determining the language-dominant hemisphere in 53 patients In the chapter presented also a selected control algorithms and results of computer simulations realized for particular mathematical models of hoisting machine. In the paper presented conception of modern, energy sparing hoisting machine supply system, composed with compact motor, an supplied with transistor or thyristor converter supply system, and intelligent control system composed with multilevel microprocessor controller. Gas chromatography combustion isotope ratio mass spectrometry GC-C-IRMS is capable of measuring the carbon isotope ratio of urinary steroids and this allows differentiation between both. Recently, it was suggested an alternative simple and rapid molecular method to identify the species of the fly larvae found at a crime scene. Ponadto brak kluczy taksonomicznych dla owadów o istotnym znaczeniu z punktu widzenia medycyny sądowej [16, 22, 25—27] może powodować błędy w identyfikacji. Currently, a primary analytical approach, the isoform differential immunoassay, has been implemented in WADA -accredited laboratories. Population Ageing, 10, 1— In short, pursuing more FE researches especially multi-disciplinary ones with the new emerging techniques will lead to major improvements and precision in order to align the field with general requirements imposed by scientific and legal standards and be admissible in court.
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In contrast, wing shape showed to be a stable character compared to size and very informative on the phylogenetic and evolutionary relationship of organisms. Levinson, D. Zbigniew Wodecki Pszczółka Maja. Ananiev show that the integrity of the personality in the old age is connected with resistance to the conditions which are favorable for social isolation and the way of overcoming life difficulties is determined, particularly, by its reserves and resources that help to effectively define the capability of the personality to cope with difficulties and daily changes in the period of late maturity. In nonlinear systems long term dynamics is governed by the attractors present in phase space. Třetím z diskutovaných konstruktů je koncept úspěšného stárnutí. Microsatellites have been widely gaining importance as single-noncoding locus DNA markers in population genetic analysis[35, 39]. Estimation of postmortem interval in real cases based on experimentally obtained entomological evidence. Sebakreácia hovorí, že život je, alebo by mal byť tvorivým procesom, kde človek neustále zvažuje, obnovuje svoje ciele a hľadá spôsob, ako čo najlepšie naplniť svoje poslanie, svoju ľudskosť. Though, this region is informative, recent study had revealed that the direct sequencing of mitochondrial CR of Chrysomya was unsuccessful, consistent with the presence of heteroplasmy. Insect analyses have many advantages such as greater sensitivity was obtained when using larvae instead of putrefied material. Near infrared spectroscopy as an emerging tool for forensic entomotoxicology. Sebavýchovou sa u každého jednotlivca zvyšujú možnosti jeho sebarealizácie, ktorá sa stáva dostatočne silným podnetom sebavýchovných snáh práve s postupujúcim vekom.
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Rather good idea
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