dave portnoy sex tape

Dave portnoy sex tape

The media tycoon, dave portnoy sex tape, 44, slammed a "hit piece" article describing the encounters and claimed he has a "target on my back" because of his support for Donald Trump. Portnoy insisted sex with the women was " per cent consensual" in a ten-minute Twitter video posted in response to a story by Business Insider.

Thanks for contacting us. We've received your submission. In early April, Sydney Raines was at her nanny job, looking after the children she has minded since she was a teenager, when she received a text from a friend asking if she knew Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy. The video in question was a sex tape she had made in July with Portnoy, while visiting him at his Nantucket, Mass. After the video made headlines, stock prices for Penn National Gaming, which owns a 36 percent stake in Barstool Sports, took a temporary dip. Instead of collapsing into a teary confessional and wallowing in victimhood, she owned her actions in a statement that she ran by friends and Portnoy before posting to Instagram. Some accused her of getting paid by Portnoy.

Dave portnoy sex tape

In early April, Sydney Raines was at her nanny job, looking after the children she has minded since she was a teenager, when she received a text from a friend asking if she knew Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy. The video in question was a sex tape she had made in July with Portnoy, while visiting him at his Nantucket, Mass. But she ended up being supportive," Raines recalled. After the video made headlines, stock prices for Penn National Gaming, which owns a 36 percent stake in Barstool Sports, took a temporary dip. Portnoy brushed it off , saying: "Somebody committing a crime by leaking an old video of sex between two consenting adults seems like a dumb reason for a stock to go down. Instead of collapsing into a teary confessional and wallowing in victimhood, she owned her actions in a statement that she ran by friends and Portnoy before posting to Instagram. Some accused her of getting paid by Portnoy. She vehemently denies it. Nothing much has changed," she said, adding that she has declined offers to strip and be an ambassador for various clothing companies. Her mom even joked that she should start an OnlyFans account. My pictures are R-rated, not X-rated. I want to keep it that way.

In the video, a naked Portnoy, 44, is seen sitting atop Raines as she wears a black leather dog collar around her neck.

By Andrew Court For Dailymail. The woman who appeared in a leaked sex tape with Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy has revealed herself as aspiring model Sydney Raines. The year-old blonde beauty - who boasts almost 10, Instagram followers - took to social media Thursday to share a statement confirming her identity, several days after the X-rated footage went viral. In the video, a naked Portnoy, 44, is seen sitting atop Raines as she wears a black leather dog collar around her neck. The Bartstool Sports star is then seen yanking the collar with a metal chain. Your one and only true insider into the 'scandal,' the model began her Instagram statement. The blonde beauty - who boasts almost 10, Instagram followers - took to social media Thursday to share a statement confirming her identity, several days after the X-rated footage went viral.

Thanks for contacting us. We've received your submission. In early April, Sydney Raines was at her nanny job, looking after the children she has minded since she was a teenager, when she received a text from a friend asking if she knew Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy. The video in question was a sex tape she had made in July with Portnoy, while visiting him at his Nantucket, Mass. After the video made headlines, stock prices for Penn National Gaming, which owns a 36 percent stake in Barstool Sports, took a temporary dip.

Dave portnoy sex tape

In early April, Sydney Raines was at her nanny job, looking after the children she has minded since she was a teenager, when she received a text from a friend asking if she knew Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy. The video in question was a sex tape she had made in July with Portnoy, while visiting him at his Nantucket, Mass. But she ended up being supportive," Raines recalled. After the video made headlines, stock prices for Penn National Gaming, which owns a 36 percent stake in Barstool Sports, took a temporary dip. Portnoy brushed it off , saying: "Somebody committing a crime by leaking an old video of sex between two consenting adults seems like a dumb reason for a stock to go down. Instead of collapsing into a teary confessional and wallowing in victimhood, she owned her actions in a statement that she ran by friends and Portnoy before posting to Instagram. Some accused her of getting paid by Portnoy.

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The woman who appeared in a leaked sex tape with Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy has revealed herself as aspiring model Sydney Raines. Irish Sun. It's the internet. After the video made headlines, stock prices for Penn National Gaming, which owns a 36 percent stake in Barstool Sports, took a temporary dip. She bravely took the rap for photogate Most read in News. Hours later, she shared a photo of herself topless and smiling as she held two postcards over her breasts. Fox Business. Music icon will play string of concerts in North America during Sting 3. Portnoy - who has has a string of high-profile girlfriends - has previously been open about his sex life. Since starting Barstool Sports in , Portnoy has grown the media company into a multimillion-dollar enterprise. The last man standing: Key cutter, 57, is town's last surviving market trader after a lack of shoppers and During their sexy chat, she is said to have told him she fantasized about being raped - and he allegedly replied: "You and I are going to get along so well". The texts said: "It was so rough I felt like I was being raped he video taped me and spit in my mouth and choked me so hard I couldn't breathe. A third woman said she ended up in hospital with suicidal depression after meeting Portnoy at his home when she was

Fox News Flash top entertainment and celebrity headlines are here. Check out what's clicking today in entertainment. Earlier this week, a clip made its way online featuring Portnoy, 44, and a woman together naked.

Iron lung man Paul Alexander dead at Lawyer who was paralysed after suffering Polio as a six year old and lived in an iron lung for 70 years dies 'We're not Border Force! Raines is an aspiring Instagram model. Ryan Giggs lands first job since being cleared of domestic violence charges In fact they're thinking: Is that Kate Moss! So I have sex. Portnoy - who has has a string of high-profile girlfriends - has previously been open about his sex life. Sydney Raines found unexpected infamy after a sex tape she made with Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy was leaked in April. It's the internet. After the video made headlines, stock prices for Penn National Gaming, which owns a 36 percent stake in Barstool Sports, took a temporary dip. The year-old blonde beauty - who boasts almost 10, Instagram followers - took to social media Thursday to share a statement confirming her identity, several days after the X-rated footage went viral.

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