death moth backrooms

Death moth backrooms

Forum: Introduce Yourself. The original author of this entry is Kekcroc from Fandom. Deathmoths are giant moths that inhabit the Backrooms, death moth backrooms. While the male Deathmoths are mostly harmless and possibly even tamable, the female moths are several times larger, can spit acid, and are entirely hostile.

New here? Be sure to read the FAQ for useful and commonly asked wiki information. Make sure to check back later to see if the rewrite has been completed! Please coordinate with the user rewriting the page, and refrain from abandoning your projects, as this has happened multiple times. While descriptions of a Death Moth's appearance can vary from instance to instance, two main details remain consistent. The first detail regards a Death Moth's appearance; they seem to bear a striking resemblance to moths belonging to the genus Acherontia. The second detail regarding Death Moths is their abnormally large size, being much greater in size when compared to moths found in The Frontrooms , though instances of smaller Death Moths have been documented.

Death moth backrooms

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Moth jelly is a sticky, purple, substance. New here? See all collections some may be hidden.

Diary Entry: Female Death Moths, unlike their male counterparts are extremely violent and will attack the player on sight. Stats: It has around health , it does 25 damage. Locations: Wanders the halls of Level 0 Chases you in Level! Wanders the hallways of Level! Appears in Waves Mode. Create account or Sign in. Danger level: 2.

Deathmoths, occasionally known as death moths, are a moth-like entity of The Backrooms , found in most indoor and some outdoor levels. Deathmoths are a common moth-like entity within The Backrooms. They are found in most indoor levels, and are notable for their sexual dimorphism. While male deathmoths are small, easily scared, and sometimes kept as pets, females are huge, hostile, and able to produce acid that dissolves wanderers. Other than size, male deathmoths are not too different from female deathmoths.

Death moth backrooms

New here? Be sure to read the FAQ for useful and commonly asked wiki information. Jars of Moth Jelly.

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Female specimens are recognized by a soft pouch located on it's underbelly. Death Moths have also been observed to possess different behaviors depending on the specimens' gender, these behavioral differences go as followed:. While the male Deathmoths are mostly harmless and possibly even tamable, the female moths are several times larger, can spit acid, and are entirely hostile. Make sure to check back later to see if the rewrite has been completed! Female specimens use this pouch as a source of Moth-Jelly. It can be used to make many food items, it is used in the death moth reproductive system, as males turn this jelly into fertilized eggs. Stats: It has around health , it does 25 damage. Entity Hazard: Class 4. They generally are hostile towards other entities, and around the top of the food chain, although advanced wanderers, Smilers , and Red Crazy fire ants can hunt theme with ease. Wanders the hallways of Level! Male Death Moths are much smaller when compared to their female counterpart. Garry's Mod Store Page. Levels Level 0 Level 1 Level 37 Level

Forum: Introduce Yourself. The original author of this entry is Kekcroc from Fandom.

They will eat nectar, meat, carcasses, and even sometimes clothes of dead wanderers. Required items. Research confirms that Death Moths reside in a large majority of levels throughout the backrooms. Smaller Deathmoths inhabit Level 2 , Level 3 , and Level 5 , but the larger and more dangerous ones only appear in Level 5 , where their hive is centralized and where the king and queen are. The Death moths are a humungous relative of Death Head Hawkmoth that evolved in the backrooms, females are much larger and can spray acid, while males are smaller and can be tamed, these moths are omnivores, both eating animals, and nectar. Entities Enigmatic Entities. Please see the instructions page for reasons why this item might not work within Garry's Mod. Massive body with a skull on its head a trait inherited from its ancestors , they grow up to inches in wingspan. Content Type: Addon. Commonly, Death Moths share a similar appearance to the Acherontia genus , which is a species native to the Frontrooms, more specifically in southern Europe and a vast majority of Africa, though they will occasionally migrate to the British Isles.

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