Death to the dorgeshuun
You can continue the quest normally.
Go to Lumbridge , and go to the basement in the castle below the cook. Take a light source , such as a lantern , and enter the cave to the rear of the basement. Talk to Kazgar who will show you through the caves. Once you have these, return to the Lumbridge Castle cellar, and talk to Zanik who will have appeared next to the ladder to the cellar. Note: You cannot have a pet following you before talking to Zanik. Zanik follows you around rather like a pet and tends to get stuck behind walls and doors but she will return to your side like any other pet.
Death to the dorgeshuun
This Quest Guide was written by Zevenberge. If anything is incorrect or missing, or if you have any new information to submit to this database, please submit it to us on our Content Submissions Forums. If you see this guide on any other site, please report it to us so we can take legal action against anyone found stealing our content. This guide is copyrighted by RuneHQ, and its use on other sites is expressly forbidden. Do not ask if you can use our guides or images, the answer is and always will be NO! All Rights Reserved. All submitted content becomes the property of RuneHQ. Usage of RuneHQ content on any other site is strictly prohibited. Note: We are not Jagex! We cannot change anything in the game and we cannot help with Jagex account issues!
Head back to Lumbridge, death to the dorgeshuun, find Zanik in the Lumbridge Castle cellar and then head to the watermill the building with the chicken coop across the river. It will show a cutscene at the Tears of Guthix.
To start the quest, go and talk to Mistag is the Dorgeshuun Mines. He will say that the Dorgeshuun Council would like to ask a favour of you. Ask him what this favour is, and he will tell you that he wants you to act as a guide for an agent they will be sending to the surface to spy on H. Now ask Mistag to show you the way out, and talk to Zanik in the cellar. Give her a H. Now go out to the castle again, and talk to any man or a woman, then to Father Aereck in the church just east of the castle. Go over the bridge to the east, and Zanik will try to talk with the goblins, but as you might have expected, it doesn't go well.
You can continue the quest normally. Grab your light source and tinderbox and go find Mistag in the Dorgeshuun Mines under Lumbridge. You can talk to Kazgar just outside of the Lumbridge Castle cellar to be taken straight to Mistag. It seems that there is trouble brewing between goblins and a certain group of people wearing pink pajamas. If you haven't done it already, go to the H. It's time to play tour guide for your new goblin friend.
Death to the dorgeshuun
Go to Lumbridge , and go to the basement in the castle below the cook. Take a light source , such as a lantern , and enter the cave to the rear of the basement. Talk to Kazgar who will show you through the caves. Once you have these, return to the Lumbridge Castle cellar, and talk to Zanik who will have appeared next to the ladder to the cellar. Note: You cannot have a pet following you before talking to Zanik. Zanik follows you around rather like a pet and tends to get stuck behind walls and doors but she will return to your side like any other pet. Unlike pets, any teleports will make her return to the basement below the cook, and talking to her will make her follow you again. The following can be completed in any order but the quickest is as listed:. Note: If you get caught by a guard, you will be jailed and Zanik will free you - if you interrupt Zanik before he lets you out, pick the lock on the door. You will have to repeat the process of killing the guards.
Tracy mccool
Before you start considering that H. You can talk to Kazgar just outside of the Lumbridge Castle cellar to be taken straight to Mistag. Inspect her and you will notice that, although she is dead, her scar is glowing. Death to the Dorgeshuun. Go West of the general store until you meet goblins and Zanik will try to talk to them. After you've finished the Lumbridge tour, you can ask about the scar. Go back and head through the oppsite tunnel. Make sure you are about two squares to the south of where Zanik will shoot him or you will be caught. Grab your light source and tinderbox and go find Mistag in the Dorgeshuun Mines under Lumbridge. Instead, talk to Jimmy the Chisel, and pick-lock the prison door and get out of the H. Once you have found her, you will have to do a quick run of Tears of Guthix and collect 20 blue tears from the wall in order to resurrect Zanik. Humans have been visiting the Dorgeshuun mines for some time now, but no Dorgeshuun has visited the surface since the signing of the Lumbridge-Dorgeshuun treaty. Ask him what this favour is, and he will tell you that he wants you to act as a guide for an agent they will be sending to the surface to spy on H. But they do not want to send someone to the surface without a guide Next, head over to the stage and listen to the speech.
This Quest Guide was written by Zevenberge.
There, talk to Mistag and a cut scene will occur. Note: This is the time to grab Magic or Melee type weapons and armour for the final fight! Ask him about the Cave goblin attack. Near the trapdoor you will find Zanik. Items recommended: Melee or Magic Equipment not ranged to deal with three level 22 guards and one level 50 boss; food. Pick-lock the jaildoor and ask both Johanhus Ulsbrecht and a H. The water mill is also known as the Chicken farm. It's a good idea to kill the guards first, then take care of Sigmund. You will then wake up in a HAM prison cell without Zanik. Walk to the southeastern edge of the main area, and she will see a hidden trapdoor. All Rights Reserved. Do not ask if you can use our guides or images, the answer is and always will be NO! Remember only to get the blue tears. The following can be completed in any order but the quickest is as listed:. Go through the cutscene and the quest will be complete!
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