decanter awards

Decanter awards

Oh sure, I would register the Decanter awards stickers on wine bottles in the shops but it never influenced my buying decisions in any significant way.

I spent three fulfilling days last week chairing the Burgundy panel at the Decanter World Wine Awards. The competition has flourished over the 10 years since its inception, and now attracts over 14, entries for the various teams to taste. One significant change is the move to writing notes on iPads which, allowing for some teething problems, worked superbly well. I particularly enjoyed inputting notes through the iPad, since that is what I do these days when tasting in cellars, and at least I can read what I have written afterwards. The change of venue to Tobacco Dock was also an unqualified success — or would have been if the tube strike had not put obstacles in our way.

Decanter awards

The Decanter Awards are the largest and most influential wine awards globally and this year 18, wines were tasted by judges whose tongues must have been made of steel in a rigorous process which ensures fair judging with the drinker and consumer firming in mind. Libby was fortunate to sit down with Co-Chair Andrew Jefford, who has been with the Awards since they were set up 18 years ago, and ask him a few questions on his wine background, preferences and what he thinks of the awards. I felt there should be more, so I started making my own wine with carrots and elderflower and grape juice. It was an interesting process. I was by Hugh Johnson and others and decided to have a go at writing about wine myself. It worked out though! You do a range of roles within wine, which do you love the most? There are three main privileges of the job. Tasting, like these last 2 weeks and being a part of the Decanter Awards, the travel of course, until recently but probably my favourite thing is the writing. How did you originally become involved with Decanter Awards? I have been here since the first year. I was on the original panel of region chairs for Languedoc-Roussilon and then I worked my way up to be one of the three Co-Chairs of the whole Awards now.

Not every awards system judges by price category and takes that into account.

In equal measure, I feel interested to see the results and dismayed at the size of the package: pages of dense information. How to make sense of the results without spending hours and hours reading the ledger word for word? Going back to basics makes the most sense. I ask myself: what are the key messages from the wine awards? The value placed by Decanter magazine on the consumer benefits of identifying and promoting wine quality,. Recognizing the expansion of the wine industry into many more countries and wine regions than I would generally consider.

The Decanter World Wine Awards has revealed a selection of medal-winning wines to evoke a taste of summer — no matter what the weather brings. Recently awarded at the competition, where more than expert judges, including 44 Masters of Wine and 11 Master Sommeliers, tasted a record 18, wines, the following winning French wines are available now from UK retailers. The classic Blanc de Blancs Champagne has been amply aged, and brims with the pleasures of age: a calm, steady mousse; refined aromas in which the fruit, bread and brioche of youth have given way to something deeper, stonier, more grounded in the natural world, the fruits calmed and sublimated, the acid profile rounded and smoothed while retaining all its energy. The vintage always promised much, though it was one which needed patience. That patience is amply rewarded in this pure, pristine, almost elemental wine. This rich and fruity Champagne triumphed with its fresh red apple aroma with biscuity yeast and red berry fruits. Judges were particularly impressed with its red fruit character and long and chalky finish.

Decanter awards

Chinese wines achieved a record total of medals, including one Platinum and four Golds. Harvested by hand, the Afip A8 Chardonnay has been through a minimum of six months of oak aging. Last year, the vintage of the same wine won a Silver medal in DWWA, showcasing its sustained quality. As part of the DWWA judging process, the Chardonnay was first awarded a Gold medal in the first round of blind tasting by expert judges. During the second round of judging, the Chinese dry white stood out from Gold-winning wines of the same category from Asia to achieve the Platinum medal. In the last two decades, China has been better known for its thirst of red wine production and consumption. Professor Li anticipated a comeback of white wines to the Chinese market, as consumers are returning to former wine drinking habits. White wines, in many ways, have better affinity to Chinese food and its dining culture than reds. In addition to the Platinum and Golds, the country was awarded 36 Silver medals and Bronze medals.

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That sort of validation is very important. The time we take over discussing things, for example, is very important. Since its arrival at the winery, approximately 3 years ago, the company has opted to create new references of high expression and thus be able to satisfy the needs of the most gourmet public. And then, having gone and met producers, who have won medals in the competition, you realise that, often, it means quite a lot to them. Blog , Bordeaux , Loire Valley. In equal measure, I feel interested to see the results and dismayed at the size of the package: pages of dense information. I asked him what is the main aim of the panel of judges when they are judging the wine and he replied that the panel considers each wine in relation to the region, value for money and the quality of the each wine. For me, the real value in this competitive process is the increasing emphasis on and encouragement for high quality wines. Having a range of judges tasting each wine not only helps with the collegiate aspect with the work but also means a fairer judging system. That deserves a medal, too. When Peter Hall started his vineyard, Breaky Bottom, it was a huge risk.

Top medals showcase an exciting breadth of world-class wine regions on the West Coast, as New York winery also strikes Gold.

Steven Spurrier. In general, amongst fine wines, I would say this move to freshness and vivacity and not looking for all-out everything, certainly oak playing a less and less significant role, is a very important trend too. It depends on what you mean by that. What I liked about the Kylie initiative was that it was accessible to ordinary people - these were not forbiddingly expensive wines. More Stories. After all, no palate is the same, there is no ultimate correct answer. What are you proudest about with the Decanter Awards? But there are some other very good wines. Instead of bustling rooms of excitement, the rooms are quiet, serious and sedate. This new strategy is giving them great joy and the wines are receiving high scores in the most prestigious wine competitions.

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