defer antonym

Defer antonym

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Defer antonym

Some common synonyms of defer are postpone , stay , and suspend. While all these words mean "to delay an action or proceeding," defer implies a deliberate putting off to a later time. While in some cases nearly identical to defer , postpone implies an intentional deferring usually to a definite time. While the synonyms stay and defer are close in meaning, stay often suggests the stopping or checking by an intervening agency or authority. Where would suspend be a reasonable alternative to defer? The words suspend and defer are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, suspend implies temporary stoppage with an added suggestion of waiting until some condition is satisfied. Accessed 23 Feb. Nglish: Translation of defer for Spanish Speakers. Britannica English: Translation of defer for Arabic Speakers. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! See Definitions and Examples ». Log In. Definition of defer.

Weak matches give rain check hang fire lay over put on back burner put on hold put on ice.

Words related to defer are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word defer. Browse related words to learn more about word associations. If the number of deferred applicants who queue up to join college in is significantly larger than usual, that cuts into the number of seats available for new high school graduates. When sports initially went off air in March, most advertisers deferred the money they had planned to spend on TV sporting events until major sports returned. Or will we simply see more senseless bloodshed and another generation of Palestinians defer their dreams of a homeland?

To protract is to cause to occupy a longer time than is usual, expected, or desirable. We defer a negotiation which we are slow to enter upon; we protract a negotiation which we are slow to conclude; delay may be used of any stage in the proceedings; we may delay a person as well as an action, but defer and protract are not used of persons. Elongate is not used of actions or abstractions, but only of material objects or extension in space; protract is very rarely used of concrete objects or extension in space; we elongate a line, protract a discussion. Protract has usually an unfavorable sense, implying that the matter referred to is already unduly long, or would be so if longer continued ; continue is neutral, applying equally to the desirable or the undesirable. Postpone implies a definite intention to resume, as defer also does, though less decidedly; both are often used with some definite limitation of time; as, to postpone till, until, or to a certain day or hour. One may defer , delay , or postpone a matter intelligently and for good reason; he procrastinates through indolence and irresolution. Antonyms: abbreviate , abridge , conclude , contract , curtail , hasten , hurry , limit , reduce , shorten. Synonyms: continue , delay , draw out , elongate , extend , lengthen , postpone , procrastinate , prolong , protract. Preposition: To protract a speech by verbosity, through an unreasonable time, to , till , or until a late hour.

Defer antonym

Deferred is the past tense of the word defer, which simply means to delay put off, or postpone until a later date. The date can be specified or unspecified. Deferred has three meanings. It means to postpone or delay something. This means that something was supposed to happen at a certain time, but for whatever reason that thing is delayed. The reason it is delayed does not matter. Something can be deferred because of a positive reason, or for a negative reason.

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The correct answer is 'Prepone'. This question was previously asked in. Britannica English: Translation of defer for Arabic Speakers. Word lists shared by our community of dictionary fans. Spanish English to Spanish. Although Dorothy was older than Mary, she tended to defer to her. Word of the Year. Words related to defer-to are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word defer-to. Choose a dictionary. Pronunciation Guide. Korean to English. English—German German—English.

Defer synonyms, defer antonyms - FreeThesaurus.

Accessed 23 Feb. Quiz Mandarin Chinese confusables. Strong matches apotheosize deify esteem love magnify prize reverence treasure value. Get Word of the Day delivered to your inbox! Strongest matches adjust admit agree bow submit. Strong matches accede accommodate acquiesce adapt assent buckle capitulate cave comply concede cringe fawn knuckle kowtow obey succumb truckle. More from Merriam-Webster on defer. When sports initially went off air in March, most advertisers deferred the money they had planned to spend on TV sporting events until major sports returned. Avoiding common mistakes with verb patterns 1. Strongest matches accept agree defend endorse recognize support.

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