Definition of assuage
Rashad also issued an apology on July 2 for her initial Cosby Tweet, but it has not been enough to assuage some of her critics.
Similarly, to assuage hunger or thirst—as for lexicographical trivia, perhaps—is to end it by satisfying it fully. These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'assuage. Send us feedback about these examples. Accessed 18 Mar. Nglish: Translation of assuage for Spanish Speakers. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free!
Definition of assuage
Some common synonyms of assuage are allay , alleviate , lighten , mitigate , and relieve. While all these words mean "to make something less grievous," assuage implies softening or sweetening what is harsh or disagreeable. While the synonyms allay and assuage are close in meaning, allay implies an effective calming or soothing of fears or alarms. When is it sensible to use alleviate instead of assuage? Although the words alleviate and assuage have much in common, alleviate implies temporary or partial lessening of pain or distress. In some situations, the words lighten and assuage are roughly equivalent. However, lighten implies reducing a burdensome or depressing weight. In what contexts can mitigate take the place of assuage? The meanings of mitigate and assuage largely overlap; however, mitigate suggests a moderating or countering of the effect of something violent or painful. Where would relieve be a reasonable alternative to assuage? While in some cases nearly identical to assuage , relieve implies a lifting of enough of a burden to make it tolerable. Accessed 18 Mar. Nglish: Translation of assuage for Spanish Speakers. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free!
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Similarly, to assuage hunger or thirst—as for lexicographical trivia, perhaps—is to end it by satisfying it fully. These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'assuage. Send us feedback about these examples. Accessed 18 Mar. Nglish: Translation of assuage for Spanish Speakers. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! See Definitions and Examples ». Log In. Synonyms of assuage. Did you know?
Definition of assuage
To make something burdensome or painful less intense or severe: assuage her grief. See Synonyms at relieve. To appease or calm: assuaged his critics. All rights reserved. Copyright , , by Random House, Inc. Switch to new thesaurus. Based on WordNet 3.
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Can you solve 4 words at once? When is it sensible to use alleviate instead of assuage? Grammar Thesaurus. English images. Similarly, to assuage hunger or thirst—as for lexicographical trivia, perhaps—is to end it by satisfying it fully. English confusables. Homophones, Homographs, and Homonyms. The government has tried to assuage the public's fears. Video pronunciations. Build your vocabulary. Post more words for assuage to Facebook Facebook. Traditional to English.
English Dictionary.
Word of the Day pull strings. English Dictionary. These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content that does not reflect the opinions or policies of Collins, or its parent company HarperCollins. Recent Examples on the Web That did not assuage the staffers at the Daily resisting the story. British Dictionary definitions for assuage. Semi-bilingual Dictionaries. Here are some ideas to get you on the way to great Scrabble scores! Although the words alleviate and assuage have much in common, alleviate implies temporary or partial lessening of pain or distress. English to Traditional. On the contrary the business class often used them to assuage and manipulate popular sentiments to promote its business interests.
Earlier I thought differently, thanks for an explanation.
I know, how it is necessary to act...