

Pudełko w wersji Niemieckiej, gra w wersji Angielskiej.

Ocena zapisana. Devil Dice to gra logiczno-zręcznościowa wyprodukowana przez japońskie studio Shift i wydana przez Sony Computer Entertainment na PlayStation. Tytuł miał swoje początki na Yaroze, specjalnym dev-kicie stworzonym z myślą o niezależnych twórcach. Gra doczekała się kontynuacji pt. Bombastic na PS2. Devil Dice to unikalna, wciągająca gra logiczno-zręcznościowa, w której kontrolujemy małego diabełka poruszającego się po planszy wypełnionej duży kośćmi.



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In the original PlayStation era, the Official U. PlayStation Magazine used to include a demo disc with every single issue of their magazine allegedly, they were the first ever magazine to do so. The 13th iteration of this grand tradition was a feast to behold; not only did it include playable demo versions of Metal Gear Solid and Cool Boarders 3 both of which I sank dozens of hours into , it also included a demo for a quaint little puzzle game called Devil Dice. In Devil Dice , you played as a little devil character who kind of resembled a kid in footie pajamas or, God forbid, one of the Teletubbies who gleefully rode atop a series of dice. The goal was to line up dice with the same numbers facing upward in groups of however many dots were on the dice. For example, you had to match four 4s or five 5s in order to score. This could be especially tricky, since every time you moved a die it would rotate, unless you hopped off the top of the die to push it around. However, if you pulled off this move, you had to wait for another die to rise up from the board and lift you back up before you could start hopping on top of the rows of dice again. While it was never destined to overthrow the master of all puzzle games, Tetris , it was incredibly addictive, sold over a million copies , and was reviewed pretty positively. But since then, it has all but disappeared.


In the game, King Dice is the Devil's right-hand man and the manager of his casinos. He and his boss send Cuphead and Mugman who'd gotten themselves indebted to the Devil to collect the Soul Contracts of the Runaway Debtors so they can be freed of their debt. Eventually Dice and the Devil make a bet over whether the Cup Brothers will return successful or fail in the process where Dice bets against them making it. Eventually he loses the bet and his favor with the Devil after Cuphead and Mugman defeat him, with the Devil offering them to take Dice's former spot. Eventually the Devil is beaten and forced to surrender, leaving him and Dice unable to do evil anymore, or at least for a good amount of time.

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