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Updated: Mar 9, Master Jeweler Robbin Lantz and wife Debbie Lantz opened a small jewelry store in Claremont in to pursue their California dream of designing and making the highest quality jewelry in the area. They are a Master Independent Jewelers Organization IJO and follow a strict ethical code making them a leader in their industry and carrying world-class diamonds and gemstones. I recently had the great honor of sitting down with Ray Lantz, owner of The Diamond Center to learn more about what makes this business so special and important to the community. The Diamond Center is diligent and committed to sourcing their diamonds ethically with the intention of you being able to keep your jewelry forever. So many beautiful pieces of jewelry to choose from!
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Established in , Ashton Avenue Dental Practice has been serving the dental needs of the local and surrounding communities of Claremont for over 26 years. At Ashton Avenue Dental we believe everyone deserves a beautiful smile - one that compliments your facial features and gives you self-confidence. With over 40 years of experience, our team of compassionate and caring dentist in Claremont have provided personalised, specialised and gentle dental care to Claremont and the surrounding suburbs since
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I apologise, but, in my opinion, you commit an error. I can defend the position.