Diego maradona photos

A young Diego Maradona in the late s. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter. Scotland v Argentina, Maradona plays football with his brothers on a beach.

Discover our Diego Maradona prints, posters and photos available in exceptional museum quality print sold in limited edition. Each photograph is available in different sizes and framing options. I accept the Terms and Conditions. Contact us. From Monday to Friday - am to 5pm In case of damage, please consult how to proceed.

Diego maradona photos


Diego Maradona celebrates. Maradona, escorted diego maradona photos police, leaves a courthouse in March after answering charges he shot and injured journalists outside his country home in the city of Mercedes, km from Buenos Aires. Licensed Brands.


Remembering Diego Maradona on the third anniversary of his death. Argentinian superstar played at four World Cups and lifted the trophy in Take a look through some of his most iconic images from the world stage. No fewer than six Belgium players surround Maradona on their way to a famous over La Albiceleste. But is all quite as it seems? Maradona is sent off against Brazil for a poor tackle on Batista.

Diego maradona photos

This week the world lost one of the greatest footballers of all-time. More than that, we lost a cultural icon; a man who did it his way, remaining unapologetically himself, right to the end. He was the OG influencer, a style leader, and his legacy is written in stone. Diego Maradona: gone, but never forgotten. His story spans several generations, and it will undoubtedly be passed on through many more; he was one of the best footballers this planet has ever seen, and his ability on the pitch was matched only by his exuberance off of it as he carved his way through defences and life with equal verve and swagger. Never a dull moment with this guy around. He was the first rock and roll footballer, rising in stature through the late 70s and early 80s with his unstoppable approach, fearlessly taking on a role not only as a great player, but as a style icon and a role model, giving birth to a whole new breed of ballers who tried to emulate his miracles on the pitch for years to come. Sure there was Maradona on the pitch, but there was also Diego off of it — forget your Kardashians and your Selena Gomezes: this was the original influencer. Wherever he went, controversy was never far behind, and his story was probably best encapsulated by that one match against England in , where he scored one of the most infamous goals of all time, along with one of the greatest, all on the way to leading his nation to World Cup glory.

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Maradona is fouled during a friendly international between West Germany and Argentina in Buenes Aires. Fall after the momentum. Maradona with the world championship trophy. Diego Maradona prints Discover our Diego Maradona prints, posters and photos available in exceptional museum quality print sold in limited edition. The Maradona family. The Hand of God: Diego Maradona Sort by orientation Portrait. WC Finals Italy 2 Argentina 1. Cheers from Diego Maradona. Cheers Maradona. Maradona and his ex-wife Claudia Villafane leave a court building in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 23 April , after a hearing against former manager Guillermo Coppola. Bridgeman Images. Topics Sport. ColorSport Images. Diego Maradona Scotland 1 Argentina 3.

At The Athletic , we are all about words.

Diego Maradona for Argentina in the World Cup You're almost connected! Diego Maradona near Barcelona in Diego Maradonna during a training session. Diego Maradona - World Cup. Diego Maradona trick in Cannes Diego Maradona as Napoli captain Cheers Maradona. Diego Maradona kisses Careca. Topics Sport. Maradona smokes a cigar in the waters off Havana, Cuba, in From Monday to Friday - am to 5pm In case of damage, please consult how to proceed.

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