Diesel fuel cost near me
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We are currently updating the content of this site to reflect that change. Find a gas station near me! Plan your route and find a Shell gas station close to your location. E-mail: ShellcustomerCare shell. Engineered with four levels defense against gunk, corrosion, wear and friction to helps your engine run like new. Motor Oils and Lubricants. Ways to Save.
Diesel fuel cost near me
Weekly Monthly Annual. Download Series History. Notes: Conventional area is any area that does not require the sale of reformulated gasoline. All types of finished motor gasoline may be sold in this area. RFG area is an ozone nonattainment area designated by the U. We did not collect weekly retail motor gasoline data between December 10, , and January 14, Monthly and annual averages are simple averages of the weekly data. On May 14, , we implemented statistical methodology changes to improve the accuracy of the weekly retail gasoline price estimates. As a result of these statistical methodology changes, the published retail gasoline estimates for May 14, , are not directly comparable to those published for May 7, On June 13, , we implemented statistical methodology changes to improve the accuracy of the weekly retail on-highway diesel fuel price estimates. As a result of these statistical methodology changes, the published retail on-highway diesel fuel prices for June 13, are not directly comparable to those published for June 6, See Definitions, Sources, and Notes link above for more information on this table.
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Geographical exclusions apply. One regular hot drink per month for a year, only available via the Confused. Got an electric vehicle? Use our handy map to find EV charging points near you. Petrol station and petrol price data is provided by Experian Ltd.
The cost of producing and delivering diesel fuel to consumers includes the costs of crude oil, refinery processing, marketing and distribution, and retail station operation. The retail pump price reflects the costs and the profits and sometimes losses of the refiners, marketers, distributors, and retail station owners. The relative share of these cost components to the retail price of diesel fuel varies over time and varies among regions of the country. The retail price at the pump also includes federal, state, and local taxes. The federal excise tax for on-highway diesel fuel is As of July 1, , the average for total state taxes and fees for on-highway diesel fuel was Sales taxes, along with local and municipal government taxes, also contribute to the final selling price of diesel fuel. Local market conditions and factors such as the location of the fueling station can also affect retail diesel fuel prices.
Diesel fuel cost near me
This free fuel optimizer tool lists the cheapest diesel fuel prices at truck stops between any two points in the United States. The free fuel optimization data provided is from truck stops and truck stop chains that currently list their diesel fuel prices on their websites, click here for a list of truck stops that provide diesel fuel price data. We are currently monitoring the fuel prices at over truck stops across the U. Note: This tool now resides at www. This page remains solely for historical purposes. We've provided the TruckMaster Fuel Finder to you at no charge. A more powerful version of this free fuel optimization tool is included in the TruckMaster trucking software system. It also allows you to email or send via mobile communication device the cheapest fuel stops directly to your truck, in the same click as sending dispatch information. Via macro-equipped mobile communications device, a driver may at any point request a fuel solution listing the cheapest truck stops for his assigned route.
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Find gas Find the best prices with the gas map. This was and is a good idea to crowdsource gas prices. Get a car quote. Track driving habits Drive smarter with tips and tricks to use less gas. Log your fill ups Track your gas use and export the log for reimbursement and taxes. Get gas rewards Turn your daily purchases into free gas. The following data may be used to track you across apps and websites owned by other companies:. Please enter your postcode. Manage cookies Do you want to accept non-essential cookies? Questions About a Retail Station or want to share your experience?
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