Dirk strider
Towards Dirk Strider. Towards Clem Bertram. Towards Kris Crester. Towards Roxy Lalonde.
For information regarding the procedure that needs to be exactly followed to register there, please click here. Dirk Strider is the post-scratch incarnation of Dave 's Bro. Prior to his proper introduction to the reader, he is referred to by Jane as D. Strider, and later by Roxy as di stri. Tier : At least 9-A 2-A 1-A.
Dirk strider
Tags: homestuck dirk strider dave strider pretentious psychoanalysis of fictional characters. Powered by Tumblr. Minimal Theme designed by Artur Kim. I have important shit to deal with and actual responsibilities to take seriously. TG: zzzzzz TG: what a surprise another mysfery for you to keep to yourself an overly cerebralize […] TG: shuuuucks buster its just a fun lil hyphothetical to daydream about TG: why you need to suck the fun out of shit TG: like some turd hungry dracula. TG: betcha ur responder would agree w me TG: why cant your be more like him […] TG: hes more in touch with his feelins […] TG: and he can actually loosen up sometimes TG: kinda like u used to could TT: I used to could? TT: Can you blame me [for being a troll]? TT: Such an incommodiously situated bro is bound to get his mischief on. TT: Mischief? TT: You used to think this shit was hilarious. TT: Bro. TT: What are you doing. TT: It seems you are zoning out again.
Dirk attempts to aggress her, but is suddenly obstructed by Jade Harleywho gives him a hook to the lips and teleports him away to the Furthest Ringdirk strider, the same way she did with Jack Noir.
Dirk Strider is the post- scratch incarnation of Dave Strider 's adopted Bro and ectobiological father. His chumhandle is timaeusTestified TT , matching the initials of his daughter Rose Lalonde 's handle. Like Jane and Roxy, Dirk's orange eye and text colors are brighter than his son Dave Strider 's, and match the color of his sprite. Dirk's erotic affinity for robots and horses , objective of looking STRONG and even his rate of perspiration all seem to allude to Equius Zahhak ; in his commentary in the Homestuck books , Andrew Hussie explains that both characters have "this creepy-guy streak running through them", and explains their shared connection with D o c Scratch by pointing out that "characters like Dirk, Equius, Doc, and a few others exist as dark authorial surrogates". Dirk's close relationship with Roxy could be seen as a parallel with Equius' relationship to Nepeta Leijon , another Rogue with an affinity for cats; the two also share Equius and Nepeta's aspects , though with their roles switched. Though by his own admission Andrew Hussie " [doesn't] know a damn thing about anime ", the shape of Dirk's glasses are a transparent reference to the iconic pair worn by Kamina, a swordsman from the Gurren Lagann anime series.
Beware of spoilers. This is the sequel to Homestuck and as such all spoilers pertaining to Homestuck and The Homestuck Epilogues are unmarked. Surprise, bitch. Thank the maker. Thank literally what-the-hell-ever recalcitrant entity was, is now, or perhaps always has been responsible for piloting this story. Whoever it is whose cataclysmic fingers hang suspended and quivering with anticipation somewhere beyond the curtain of the world; whose hunched form lurks forever in the shadows, its work seemingly unimpeded by the very real threat of a chronic lumbago; making no sound, giving no speech to thought, save for that fateful moment where first one elongated phalanx, and then another, crosses the threshold between thought and reality; when ten declamatory digits, possessed for the moment of a zealous frenzy, reach down and set the air astir with the heart-rending creative cacophony of an overly rambunctious mechanical keyboard. Whichever accursed species of demiurgic figure that is, you thought, let's just thank the ever living fuck that this time they decided to call it a night and get out the drawing tablet instead. Finally, this story is back on the rails. No more dealing with narrators, unreliable and not. No more embittered scrimmages over the bounding metafictional reality within which everything transpires.
Dirk strider
Pesterquest: Volume 14 , entitled Dirk , is the fourteenth and last installment of Pesterquest , a Homestuck spinoff visual novel. The befriendable character in the fourteenth and last installment is Dirk Strider. It was released on April 1, Still on the lookout for friendship to give you a sense of purpose, you're glad that Aradia restored your memories so that you know you're always trying out different options in life.
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The spiritual significance of Dirk's name could be seen as inverse to the genetic significance of Roxy's. Pre-scratch Kids. Although his statement seems to imply that he knows about John's ectobiology shenanigans , in actuality he likely assumed he was the product of a reproduction process similar to the trolls', as the Condesce experimented with that before and during his lifetime. The intellectual aggression, the power of assertion, the knowitall-ism, the mansplaining. Dave Strider. After being on the platform, he is seen reconciling with Jake whilst talking to Rose and Terezi and later becoming Jake's friend again in Act 7 , where they are shown in the future of the new planet together, playing soccer. Metaphorically, and literally. Dirk is aware that they are not actual brothers, instead being related through an esoteric process of genetic reamalgamation. Terezi Pyrope. A machine? Brain Ghost Dirk first appears after Jake is knocked out without a dream self where he appears with Jake inside a dream bubble where he is only able to be seen by Jake and Terezi. Dirk's head then disappeared with two alternate Daves, who caught his decapitated head and his body.
Y our name is Dirk Strider, and you know what you must do. The decision was made the moment John chose his course.
She is also the only one he talks to in crypt conversations after Trickster mode, where they reconcile, looking back on the events of their session so far and seeming to distract each other from the impending death and ascension to god tier that awaits them. Prior to his proper introduction to the reader, he is referred to by Jane as D. He has made a few attempts to test the waters and see if Caliborn would consider reconciling with Calliope, but without much success. As he attempts to leave the dream bubble, Dirk finds he cannot leave it, so he throws Roxy out of the bubble instead, while he is awoken by Aranea Serket 's powers. Dirk Strider. He was then put in a chokehold by Lord Jack, who was then put into a similar hold by Robot Jack. Feferi Peixes. And maybe he can be selfish, but he would rather chop off his own head than do something to really hurt someone he cares about. Prince of Heart. His high-rise, once standing in the middle of an ocean, was suddenly on solid land.
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