Discotecas gay barcelona

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Metro Disco ies uno de los clubes pioneros en Barcelona. Hola buenas noches! Hola ay alguna disco hay q abra domingo??? Gentuza especializada en robar en los cuartos oscuros o en cualquier lugar puede hundirte la fiesta. Am a 40s plus lesbian who will be in Barcelona at end of December. Would like a classy cool lesbian space to be in on saturday night.

Discotecas gay barcelona

Gay clubs in Barcelona usually don't get busy within the first hours of their regular opening hours, then they are often crowded and packed till closing. Note for budget travellers: Entrance fees often include 1 drink of your choice. To save money you could use the voucher for the more expensive drink you plan to have during the night. Gay Barcelona. Other cities. Gay Clubs, Parties and Events in Barcelona Gay clubs in Barcelona usually don't get busy within the first hours of their regular opening hours, then they are often crowded and packed till closing. Sunday, 17 March , from International queer party with performances, drag shows, dancers and DJ sets. Apolo C. Nou de la Rambla Barcelona Thursday, 28 March , from

Saturday — Next party: 16 March In the mood to dance?


Metro Disco ies uno de los clubes pioneros en Barcelona. Hola buenas noches! Hola ay alguna disco hay q abra domingo??? Gentuza especializada en robar en los cuartos oscuros o en cualquier lugar puede hundirte la fiesta. Am a 40s plus lesbian who will be in Barcelona at end of December. Would like a classy cool lesbian space to be in on saturday night.

Discotecas gay barcelona

La zona cerca de la Catedral de Barcelona, en particular, cuenta con algunos locales populares. A post shared by EL Cangrejo Raval elcangrejoraval. El Cangrejo , ubicado en Carrer de Montserrat, 9, en El Raval, es un bar gay especial conocido por sus shows de drag queens. Horario: De Domingo a Jueves de Este bar es un lugar popular para los locales y los turistas por igual, y es conocido por su ambiente amigable y acogedor.

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Usually very well visited after and with a fun atmosphere. Large joint party for gays and friends in the night before Good Friday , hosted by various parties from Barcelona among others, Churros con Chocolate and Pop Air. Gentuza especializada en robar en los cuartos oscuros o en cualquier lugar puede hundirte la fiesta. Note for budget travellers: Entrance fees often include 1 drink of your choice. Ronda Sant Pere Barcelona Bars and pubs L'Antiga Esquerra de l'Eixample. From 6pm every day, this spot is pretty much full, and there's cocktails, good beer, nachos, hot dogs and more. Tenga una buena estancia! Friday — Next party: 15 March Thanks for subscribing! No thanks Awesome, you're subscribed! The nightlife here is world-famous, and the best gay bars in Barcelona are a vital part of that. This website uses cookies to personalize content, analyze traffic, and share information with partners.


Gay Barcelona. Punto BCN. Ronda Sant Pere Barcelona Contact us. We already have this email. Sign up to unlock our digital magazines and also receive the latest news, events, offers and partner promotions. On the small second dancefloor House. Time Out. Resident DJ: Enrico Arghentini. Cookies consent This website uses cookies to personalize content, analyze traffic, and share information with partners. Am coming to study in July till September.. This street and its charming variety of personalities are complemented by Casa de la Pradera, a friendly and relaxed gay bar with an ever-revolving cast of characters. International queer party with performances, drag shows, dancers and DJ sets. Head there for the happy hour, pm on Thursdays.

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