Diseño tatuaje brujula

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I am looking for a realistic tattoo design. The design will be medium-sized, measuring 15cm by 15cm. The main elements of the design will be a compass and an airplane, creatively integrated together. I have attached several samples of images of things I have in mind. I have in mind that the airplane wings should be part of the East and West parts of the Compass and by the end of each Wings, the End of it has the letters E and W simulating part of the compass as well.

Diseño tatuaje brujula


Alimentos y Suplementos. Ojos del Salado m s. Ver productos.


Esto se debe a que varias trayectorias y fases de tu vida pueden estar representadas por ellas. Este tatuaje pretende reflejar la firmeza y la constancia en los objetivos. Presenta un tono sutil. Simboliza la propia individualidad creativa y una posible ausencia de presencia. Aunque es una pieza impresionante, puede causar molestias la primera vez que te lo pongas.

Diseño tatuaje brujula


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Ver productos. The design will be medium-sized, measuring 15cm by 15cm. Guantes impermeables Hombre. Nombre y apellido. I have attached several samples of images of things I have in mind. I am a new user I am a returning user. I am looking to Hire Work. Sport Casual. Sea to Summit Camp Kitchen Tool. Chaquetas impermeables Hombre. I am a new user I am a returning user. Cinta Express.


I have in mind that the airplane wings should be part of the East and West parts of the Compass and by the end of each Wings, the End of it has the letters E and W simulating part of the compass as well. The main elements of the design will be a compass and an airplane, creatively integrated together. Accesorios de Calzado. Nombre y apellido. Aplica para productos que no sean comprados con descuento o en oferta. Post Your Contest Quick and easy. If you need any changes with this design just let me know I am always ready to satisfy you. Mochilas todas. Primera capa hombre. Pantalones outdoor. Mi cuenta. The design will be medium-sized, measuring 15cm by 15cm. Something like that in 3D as well would be great. Post a Contest Now or Join us Today!

3 thoughts on “Diseño tatuaje brujula

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