Doctor stranger ep 15

Everything has gone to pot in Dr. The acting is just bad all across the board now, so even hecklers who liked to call out Jin Se Yeon for doctor stranger ep 15 the weak link can now heckle everyone for equally going through the motions in a collective haze. Episode 15 was like watching a basketball game where everyone is on the court ready to shoot some hoops and Soo Hyun shows up dressed for a hockey game waving her stick around, doctor stranger ep 15.

As a child, a man and his father are kidnapped and brought to North Korea. The man grows up to become a genius surgeon. When he is finally able to return to South Korea, he begins working at a hospital. He's desperate to save the woman he left behind in North Korea. Genre: drama , medical , romance , thriller. In the midst of the truth-telling that happens in this episode, get ready for an hour full of medical incompetency, questionable ethical judgment, and callous administrators, all thanks to the one competition that keeps being revived by a narrative defibrillator.

Doctor stranger ep 15

Jae Joon burns the bridge of bromance and instead focuses his jealous energy on crushing Hoon. Can someone please tell me why this surgery competition refuses to die? Yang continues to carry out the orders of the Chairman Oh, even going so low as to break the surgical saw so that it will hurt Hoon. Hoon ends up slicing open his hand right at the start of the surgery. Oh no! Turns out he can operate just as well using his non-dominant left hand! This kid never stops surprising me. After Nurse Min kicks Dr. Yang out of the operating room, Hoon calls over to Jae Joon to request the help of one of his team members. Hoon continues to defy all the odds with his surgical skills. Patient with a severe blood clotting disorder? Not a problem.

And then she always dies I don't give a flying fuck.


As a child, a man and his father are kidnapped and brought to North Korea. The man grows up to become a genius surgeon. When he is finally able to return to South Korea, he begins working at a hospital. He's desperate to save the woman he left behind in North Korea. Genre: drama , medical , romance , thriller. In the midst of the truth-telling that happens in this episode, get ready for an hour full of medical incompetency, questionable ethical judgment, and callous administrators, all thanks to the one competition that keeps being revived by a narrative defibrillator. Stranger ticked upward in ratings and remained in first place on Monday with

Doctor stranger ep 15

Doctor Stranger Option 1. Option 2. Option 3. Option 4. Option 5. Option 6. Option 7.

Dinah laurel

Regardless, she continues to berate Hoon for his incompetence multiple times during this episode. Soo Hyun - its also understandable where she comes from. Doing the procedure without consent is simply arrogance and a disrespect for the patient. Once you think about it we all saw Jae Hee get shot and plummet to her doom. Thanks for the tip! He asks what this is about then, and Soo-hyun says he once likened her feelings for Hoon like a new bag. Jaejoon is just In the midst of the truth-telling that happens in this episode, get ready for an hour full of medical incompetency, questionable ethical judgment, and callous administrators, all thanks to the one competition that keeps being revived by a narrative defibrillator. Chairman Oh and Sang Jin hear this patient really will make it and decides to take matters into their own hands to make sure Hoon loses. Hoon is certain the patient will wake up and Jae Joon orders him to wake up the patient immediately to prove to the family that the surgery is a success. She didn't even overstepped her boundaries, its normal for a girl to be like that. News bites: March 6, And Soohyun continues to tumble down that second lead hell pit. Jae-joon returns to stare at his Metaphor Castle dejectedly and tells Chi-gyu that the princess loves another knight.


Maybe the one I should blame is the writer and director? It's because the Soo Hyun fans that refuse to realize that Soo Hyun's character wasn't what it was before anymore just decide to blame things on Jae Hee by talking about her acting. Come on now, no body means he is still alive. How does this make him the bad guy? Skip to primary content. Nurse Min apologizes for kicking Dr. Which would be going against his Metaphor Castle and revenge plans, apparently. Yang continues to carry out the orders of the Chairman Oh, even going so low as to break the surgical saw so that it will hurt Hoon. Oh, please learn how to type more readable english. She really is a stalker. The wife accuses him of lying, of killing a patient in surgery before, and from being from North Korea. He makes it sound as easy as deciding to go from making hamburger patties to making a meatloaf. He trust her way too much User ratings: 52 Comments: Views:

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