Doctors diary fanfiction
Author: There are twelve! Doctors, that is. I turned slowly and looked towards the unbelieving mutants.
Fanfiction "The Flying Doctors". Where do I belong? The Tale of an Immigrant. Magdalena Heller. The lovestory that definitely was there,. The morning of my 30th birthday.
Doctors diary fanfiction
Her diary will explain how, what and why. I know by experience from the internet that Magda Heller is not exactly the most popular character with most FD-fans. Rating: PG Why this diary :. These fragments may help us to understand why and how she decided to migrate to Australia and start working for the RFDS. The German Dr. Upon her arrival, she is sent to a rather difficult patient. Waiting for the plane to come and pick her up, she is joined by David, and Magda is immediately swept off her feet by this new colleague of hers. Magda is convinced that life in the Australian Outback is too tough for her, and she decides to leave the RFDS immediately again. Magda is getting acquainted with the daily routines of being a flying doctor. And a female foreign doctor leads to even more doubts David more or less serves as her main support, with whom she has quite some fun as well. In the background we see the events from the episodes Break Away and Billie and Pete take place, in which Magda had no part.
But still, it is some example about how I felt an outsider even then, as a child. An even more expensive car, a more expensive apartment, even more to brag about and to make others jealous.
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Doctors diary fanfiction
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For my thoughts keep running around. Well this is when he met us first. A real life, with adventure and excitement and a proper private life! Waiting for the plane to come and pick her up, she is joined by David, and Magda is immediately swept off her feet by this new colleague of hers. Say I could retire at the age of 45; it would be virtually impossible to make that dream about becoming a mother come true then. The Flying Doctors is the property of Crawford Productions. So that I would have the time and the longing and the need for friends and activities outside my work. Taylor and I had agreed upon; the 1st of September appeared to be on too short a notice. Now there is nothing left that can stop me Privacy Policy. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. But who was the other woman with Colin? I love them, and they love me. The Mediterranean versus the Boden Lake, or at most the isle of Borkum. In the end, her decision to leave is inevitable, though it is a painful shock to discover how her own secrecy has led to terrible misinterpretations of her leaving.
But those flying doctors Privacy Policy. Now that I read all this, I suddenly realize how lonely my life is. So unless I happen to meet a nice guy during high mass or in the theatre or on vacation In the background we see the events from the episodes Break Away and Billie and Pete take place, in which Magda had no part. So distance has little to do with that, I think. The Mediterranean versus the Boden Lake, or at most the isle of Borkum. Magdalena Heller. Only Colonel Rickman, herself and a few others from her world had survived, in her timeline. Adventure, seeing something of the world on the job Not to mention the question what kind of a marriage that would be: two such extremely busy doctors together
Should you tell it � error.
I apologise, but, in my opinion, you are mistaken. Let's discuss it. Write to me in PM, we will talk.