dondozo serebii

Dondozo serebii

It teams up with a Tatsugiri to catch prey. Violet It treats Tatsugiri like its boss and follows it dondozo serebii. Though powerful, Dondozo is apparently not very smart. The less HP the user has, the greater the move's power, dondozo serebii.

It teams up with a Tatsugiri to catch prey. It treats Tatsugiri like its boss and follows it loyally. Though powerful, Dondozo is apparently not very smart. And recovery in Rest ensures that Dondozo can pivot in repeatedly and heal the damage back. Unaware is what really pushes Dondozo over the edge. Not only being an amazing stop to dangerous setup sweepers like Roaring Moon, Baxcalibur, and Great Tusk, but also invalidates boosting to muscle past Dondozo in the first place.

Dondozo serebii


This also damages the user quite a lot.


Commander : Tatsugiri will go into Dondozo's mouth and be unable to be damaged from attacks. Dondozo can no longer switch out. Tatsugiri's form doesn't change and is dependent on where it was caught. The form doesn't have much difference but boosts a particular stat when partnered with Dondozo in Double Battles and Dondozo uses the move Order Up. Locations - In-Depth Details. It lives inside the mouth of Dondozo to protect itself from enemies on the outside. It feigns weakness to lure in prey, then orders its partner to attack. This species' differing colors and patterns are apparently the result of Tatsugiri changing itself to suit the preferences of the prey it lures in. It is small and weak, but it uses its smarts to survive.

Dondozo serebii

Dondozo and Tatsugiri , the hot new pairing that is making waves in the Doubles metagame , have a combo that can win games on its own. We also bring you their individual strategies for Singles players. His statistics add up to points , good statistics, although an irregular distribution. Dondozo has a very good Health stat, at base points he is able to absorb a lot of damage and his Defense of is fantastic, but his Special Defense is very weak at

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Protect rounds out the set as the best move in Doubles, stalling out Screens, Weather, Trick Room, Leftovers recovery, etc as well as stall for time until it is safe for Tatsugiri come in. It preserving Entry Hazards also greatly facilitates the Dondozo sweep in the end as well. This fully restores the user's HP and cures any status conditions. Intimidate users like Arcanine and Gyarados started to pick up in popularity. If Dondozo has gotten a Commander boost, there are still a few options including the status options from above. TM Body Press 80 10 -- The user attacks by slamming its body into the target. A reckless full-body charge attack for slamming into the target. TM Stomping Tantrum 75 10 -- Driven by frustration, the user attacks the target. This move's power is doubled if the target has inflicted damage on the user in the same turn. It teams up with a Tatsugiri to catch prey. The rain also lowers the power of Fire-type attacks.

Its body has three colors: light blue at the top; dark blue in the middle; and white on its belly, upper lip, and fins.

TM Double-Edge 15 -- A reckless life-risking tackle in which the user rushes the target. The user frightens the target with a scary face to harshly lower its Speed stat. TM Giga Impact 90 5 -- The user charges at the target using every bit of its power. Tera Steel is always a good standby for Dondozo, having a wide array of resistances, an immunity to Poison which can force Dondozo to Rest early, while bolstering possible coverage in Heavy Slam. The user generates odd sound waves from its body that confuse the target. Tera Grass is another fantastic Tera, resisting both Grass and Electric and potentially providing valuable coverage against opposing Water types. Protect -helps stall for Leftovers recovery and can scout for moves and switches. Unaware is what really pushes Dondozo over the edge. The user creates a substitute for itself using some of its own HP. The less HP the user has, the greater the move's power. TM Rain Dance -- 5 -- The user summons a heavy rain that falls for five turns, powering up Water-type attacks. TM Heavy Slam?? RestTalk is key to this set, giving Dondozo the longevity and seeming immortality that Dondozo is famed for. Violet It treats Tatsugiri like its boss and follows it loyally.

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