dota underlords guide tier list

Dota underlords guide tier list

Jordan Forward. Published: Aug 12, Dota Underlords items grant a wide variety of buffs to individual heroes as well as passive buffs that last the entire match.

In this article, you'll learn about the best Alliances, Builds, and Strategies in the current Underlords Meta. All in-depth guides about specific builds can be found in our Dota Underlords Builds collection. If you're interested in information about each individual hero, you can get it in our Underlords Heroes Tier List. The best Alliances in the current meta are ordered below with info about each one. We share our thoughts about both the late game strength and reliability of each Alliance in Dota Underlords. In a few words:. Since a few of the top builds are harder or even impossible to get in KO, currently the KO meta is quite a bit better balanced compared to the standard meta.

Dota underlords guide tier list

Inside the specific tiers, items are ordered in rows. The first row S is the most valuable and items in this row are often a higher priority to pick even than the bad items of the next tier. Disclaimer: of course, each choice is highly situational, so saying item A is always better than item B is impossible. Sometimes the lowest-tier item is the perfect one for the situation. Nonetheless, item tiers are still useful to get a general grasp of the consistency and impact of some items and the tips should give a good explanation why and when they are best picked. On higher star levels heroes receive more damage, but their attack speed stays constant. Because of this, the attack speed increase is extremely valuable in the late game. The reason Chainmail is S-Tier is that it scales extremely well into the late game, unlike most Tier One items. The armor provides a percentage-based physical damage reduction. Units scale in terms of health with star-levels, but their armor is mostly constant, so a bonus of 10 armor is good even in the very late game. In general, given equal HP, putting Chainmail on the lower-armor heroes will be more efficient unless you are running a comp with clear "main tanks" and you need to buff their EHP with priority. S-tier for the same reason as Chainmail and Gloves - it scales very well into the late game. Most powerful in Mage strategies, but very good in almost all cases because most strats have at least one hero with significant ability damage output mostly AoE. Like chainmail, it scales well into the late game and provides great EHP against physical damage although unlike armor, only attack damage, not physical damage coming from abilities.

While the ability is active, Axe gains bonus armor. Waveform: Morphling dissolves into liquid, surges forward and damages anything in front of it.

In this competitive strategy game, players must command several heroes and lead them to victory. The heroes available are pooled from a roster of over 60 characters, so learning which heroes are inherently good or bad can be overwhelming. Read on to start learning how best to optimize your team and which heroes will help you secure a win in the game. Table of Contents Show. They have great individual hero abilities and their alliances are generous enough to let you create decent decks centered on them. These are excellent heroes with very useful abilities and alliances. These heroes could match S-tier ones with the proper setup.

In this article, you'll learn about the best Alliances, Builds, and Strategies in the current Underlords Meta. All in-depth guides about specific builds can be found in our Dota Underlords Builds collection. If you're interested in information about each individual hero, you can get it in our Underlords Heroes Tier List. The best Alliances in the current meta are ordered below with info about each one. We share our thoughts about both the late game strength and reliability of each Alliance in Dota Underlords. In a few words:. Since a few of the top builds are harder or even impossible to get in KO, currently the KO meta is quite a bit better balanced compared to the standard meta.

Dota underlords guide tier list

Gold can accumulate interests, so keep as much gold in your reserve as possible, rather than spending them on re-rolls early in the game. On early rounds, it may be worth spending gold to buy 4XPs in order to level up quicker, especially if you are falling behind your opponents. On later rounds, once you have accumulate gold, re-rolls would be much more worth it. This is especially true since you gain access to higher tiers heroes in your shop as you level up. Remember that win streaks and lose streaks give you additional gold. Therefore, consistency is important. If you are losing, you may want to deliberately continue losing unless you are confident that you can make a comeback. You can see their heroes on their chessboard and bench, the total amount of gold that they have, their XP, their active alliances, their combat performances etc.

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In Standard mode, they are still very good, but it's harder to get multiple Brawny heroes on a high level fast enough to get an "imba" amount of kills. This is one of the best 6 Warlock lineups to be aiming at. Horn of the Alpha: "2. Illuminate: A charged magical attack that sends forth a wave of energy that deals damage by the second. More useful on lineups with good sustain Warlocks to mitigate the health loss. That said, quite underwhelming for the item tier it's in. Only Faceless Void is unaffected. Want to know the best Dota Underlords alliances to aim for with your next game? Esports and gaming enthusiast since forever and founder of Dotahaven. This is easy to imagine with Mages — if your board is slightly weaker than the enemy board, a lot of enemy heroes will survive on a sliver of HP and will inflict a lot of damage to you at the end of the round.

You can say this is one of the go-to builds of most players. Not only that this composition easy to play, but it is also relatively versatile. Trolls help with the offense while the Knights help with the defense; altogether, you have a balance of both.

In the late game the HP regen falls off sharply, but the magic resistance starts becoming more valuable. Shuriken Toss: A shuriken attack that inflicts the enemy with a mini stun. Synergies and alliances are vital for running an efficient and deadly Underlords crew, so knowing the most powerful alliance buffs is essential. Outright imba on Deadeye heroes if you get it from early on - Bloodseeker. Related Topics Tags Tier List. Alternatively, you can acquire passives like Vicious Intent, which dishes out an additional point of damage to your opponent for every surviving unit and summon if you win. Lots of strong comps revolve around stunning with magic or dealing massive damage through abilities, so having one unit that can walk straight through a stun and start rampaging behind enemy lines is huge. If you enjoyed the article, stay tuned for more Underlords content you can give us a follow on our social media below! Hope you foind the items list useful! Quill Spray: Bristleback sprays quills from his back, damaging all enemies 2 cells away. General Tips:. If you want Shivas to hit the enemy backline instead of frontline, you can put it on an Assassin if you have one in your comp - this is extremely useful versus Hunters. Bloodseeker builds are absolutely devastating in lobbies with squishier strats and Summoners.

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