dr crane batman

Dr crane batman

Jonathan Crane was a psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum who conducted experiments on inmates under the identity of Dr crane batman. Jonathan Crane attended Gotham City University to study the emotional functions of humanity, and spent his studying time trying to use fossils that were too dense to comprehend its benefits.

The Scarecrow : Boo! The Scarecrow : Aw, having trouble? The Scarecrow : Take a seat. Have a drink. The Scarecrow : You look like a man who takes himself too seriously. The Scarecrow : Do you want my opinion?

Dr crane batman

The character has become one of the superhero Batman 's most enduring enemies belonging to the collective of adversaries that make up his rogues gallery. In his comic book appearances, the Scarecrow is the alter ego of Dr. Jonathan Crane , a professor of psychology turned criminal mastermind. Abused and bullied in his youth, he becomes obsessed with fear and develops a hallucinogenic drug —dubbed "fear toxin"—to terrorize Gotham City and exploit the phobias of its protector, Batman. As the self-proclaimed "Master of Fear", the Scarecrow's crimes do not stem from a common desire for wealth or power, but from a sadistic pleasure in subjecting others to his experiments on the manipulation of fear. An outfit symbolic of his namesake with a stitched burlap mask serves as the Scarecrow's visual motif. The character has been adapted in various media incarnations , having been portrayed in film by Cillian Murphy in The Dark Knight Trilogy , and in television by Charlie Tahan and David W. Ichabod's surname and bookish appearance were used to create Scarecrow's alter ego, Jonathan Crane. Born in Georgia, Jonathan Crane is abused by his parents and great-grandmother, and is bullied at school for his resemblance to Ichabod Crane from Washington Irving 's " The Legend of Sleepy Hollow ", [11] sparking his lifelong obsession with fear and using it as a weapon against others. In his senior year, Crane is humiliated by school bully Bo Griggs and rejected by cheerleader Sherry Squires. He takes revenge during the senior prom by donning his trademark scarecrow costume and brandishing a gun in the school parking lot; in the ensuing chaos, Griggs gets into a car accident, paralyzing himself and killing Squires. Crane's obsession with fear leads him to become a psychologist, taking a position at Arkham Asylum and performing fear-inducing experiments on his patients.

Crane to Rachel Dawes [src]. When the League launches an attack on the Legion's base, he attacks dr crane batman JLA once again, but after a long battle, is one of five villains to escape the League.

Before Cillian Murphy and Christopher Nolan helped define the summer box office with Oppenheimer , the two collaborated on many films before. Perhaps their best-known previous collaboration came in Batman Begins , where Murphy played Dr. Jonathan Crane, the Scarecrow. Both Batman and Scarecrow are avatars of fear, but when gassed with his own toxin in Batman Begins, what was it that Crane feared most? For a time in the midth Century, Batman was cast as the Bright Knight, both in the comics and in the television series Batman. Adam West played the Caped Crusader not as a symbol of fear, vengeance or the night, but as a costumed hero who could face down equally costumed villains.

Of course, the film proved to be a solid foundation for a franchise thanks to the dualistic performance of lead Christian Bale and—no less significantly—the villainous performance of Cillian Murphy as Dr. Jonathan Crane, a. Interestingly, Murphy was close to donning the cape and cowl himself, a process he now looks back upon. So, for me, it was just an experience, and then it turned into something else. It turned into that character, Scarecrow, and it turned into a working relationship with Chris. So, I think back very, very fondly on that time, but I never, ever, ever considered myself Bruce Wayne material.

Dr crane batman

Taunted and bullied in his youth, Jonathan Crane has vowed to overcome his fears through the study of psychology and biochemistry on phobias and the nature of fear. Kicked out of the university he taught at for experimenting on human subjects, Crane adopted the identity of the Scarecrow , and armed himself with a specialized fear-inducing gas that makes a person's deepest phobia become a frightening reality. Scarecrow's ongoing reign of terror makes him one of Batman 's most recurring and psychologically dangerous foes, if not the most dangerous. Scarecrow is, on certain occasions, more of a threat to Batman than the Joker. When The Joker took over Arkham Island , Crane was released to cause as much death and chaos as possible. Using this to his advantage, the Scarecrow tried breaking the mind of Batman again and again, only to fail. When attempting to poison Gotham City 's water with his toxin, Crane was brutally mauled by the mutated criminal Killer Croc. This attack from Croc left Crane with a damaged retina, a permanently broken leg, and the lower portion of his face ruined and shredded. He only survived the attack by grasping onto a loose box of Titan that had become lost in the sewer system. Crane managed to rebuild his face, but heavily mutilated it to look like his original mask.

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As Batman interrogates Crane, the already frightening vigilante takes on a more terrifying visage. The drug has taken a further toll on his sanity, exacerbated by Batman's disappearance in the Batman R. I gave her a concentrated dose. By then, some fellow psychiatrists indicated that Crane himself was insane, and that he was willing to admit such possibility by clinical standards which he wasn't ready to show were irrelevant to him than they were relevant to most humans. Crane later makes smaller appearances in the beginning of The Dark Knight as an associate of the Chechen and The Dark Knight Rises as one of Bane 's judges for his "trials". Once liberated, Scarecrow presided over a " kangaroo court " trial wherein the rich aristocracy of Gotham were persecuted and were given a choice between death and exile. The Scarecrow kidnaps Commissioner James Gordon and several children, and eventually releases his fear toxin into the atmosphere. In his comic book appearances, the Scarecrow is the alter ego of Dr. He later appears in Falcone's office on Halloween with Batman's future rogue's gallery , but is defeated by Batman. Scarecrow is featured in the twelve-part miniseries Justice , as part of the Legion of Doom. Murphy explained, "I wanted to avoid the Worzel Gummidge look. Crane gathered a cult of mentally ill derelicts and drugged Killer Croc with fear toxin to make him try to kill everyone in his path. He later gases Huntress with his fear gas, making her attack Catwoman. Retrieved August 19,

This page is about the original comic book character. For other uses, see Scarecrow Disambiguation.

After he was angrily fired from the Psychology Professor post at the end of the semester, Crane told Gotham's Public Relations Office at a press release that he reluctantly left the school in order to pursue other opportunities such as research in the private sector. He later appears as one of the villains present at Calendar Man 's trial. The Scarecrow reappears alongside other Batman villains in Gotham Underground ; first among the villains meeting at the Iceberg Lounge to be captured by the Suicide Squad. Bruce Wayne's greatest fear in Batman Begins was bats. The two are successful in incapacitating the two, but fail to kill them. Main article: Scarecrow in other media. Murphy read numerous comics featuring the Scarecrow, and discussed making the character look less theatrical with Nolan. Scarecrow was not featured in the live-action Batman television series, due to lack of appearances since his debut and the avoidance of horror-themes in the show. While testifying in court that Victor Zsasz , one of Falcone's assassins, was legally insane and should be moved to Arkham for rehabilitation, Crane was approached by the Assistant District Attorney Rachel Dawes , who commented on the high number of Falcone's associates that he had at Arkham and implied that he was corrupt in his assessments. His henchmen seemed afraid, talking about the inhuman nature of Gotham's new vigilante, but Crane just seemed intrigued. When the freshly-gassed Crane sees Batman as the coal-faced demon, he says, "Ra's al Ghul. As Scarecrow is arrested, Batman states to Shazam that Scarecrow is too dangerous for him to fight. Scarecrow faced Batman in combat while his pumpkins were all scooped up by The Flash.

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